Dhaval Joshipura
New government should initiate following for betterment of Bharat.
1.Pay and perks for MP’s and MLA’s to be frozen for 3 years.Inflation to be kept within 5%. Ban on export of essential commodities for 3 years.Bring back black money from overseas.
2.All MP’s and MLA’s will be requested to spend their 80% of allotted fund
(a)on building toilets in their constituency for first 1-2 years till all the remote villages are covered.
(a)on building toilets in their constituency for first 1-2 years till all the remote villages are covered.
(b)on providing potable tap water in all the houses in Bharat.
Goal should be to provide water to all villages in next 1-5 years time,
This will save on providing money from central pool.
3.Disinvestment of all Govt. companies by 51% to improve efficiency and productivity.Set target of collecting 30-40,000 crores every year.This income will compensate on deficit and reduce new taxes burden.
4.RaiseTax free investment limit to 40,000 for infrastructure bonds.
5.NGO’s may be encouraged to construct small dams/bunds/weirs on all the rivers to bring water table up and preserve water overflowing to sea.(Gujarat is a classic example)
6.River grid project to be implemented on priority.Interstate water dispute will be resolved by Technical experts and not by politicians.
7.Project monitoring group may be created under PM’s office which will ensure speedy clearance from letter of intent to clearance in one months’ time for project cost of Rs.100 crore and above.All industrial and environment ministries will be thus controlled to act fast.
8.Graduates from Agriculture Universities may be given piece of land with equipments on loan for 2-3 years with agreement to produce standard per hectare produce.
9.All the directors and head of govt. undertakings and boards will be technocrats for three years.
10.All loss making undertakings to be sold at as is where is basis.Employees may be given VRS or accommodated in other undertakings at lower grades.No more burden on public.
11.PM will reserve one evening (@ 2 hrs)in a week for dinner with person who have done exemplary work for uplift of society.This will give wide publicity to younger generation to inspire of doing good in future.
12.Sports to be freed from politicians.Set a target of getting 20% more medals starting from next Olympic.Bid for next Olympic in Bharat with SAARC countries (which will be after 10 years).It will generate more employment and unite neighbors..Money may be generated by imposing travel tax on international travelers.
13.Electrical power losses to be reduced to 10% . Electrical power theft to be made criminal offense like done in Gujarat.National power grid to be implemented on priority.
14.Bullet trains to be started on priority.
15.Travel agencies to ensure that taxi drivers take 8 hours break and there will two bus drivers for more than 8 hours journey.
16.All the vehicles registered before 15 years are to be taken out of road to save on fuel and environment.
17.PM should make minimum 4 visits in a year to different military bases.May visit UN peace keeping force where Indian solders are deputed.
18.Do not waste energy in changing names of cities or monuments for 3 years.Religion based countries have not shown great results so Bharat should maintain Secular status.
19.Governors should resign from political party and should not reurn to active politics after expiry of tenure.
20.Election commission to send postcards to all voters one year prior to any election and voters may be allowed to vote based on this letter and any photo ID proof even if his name is not appearing in voter’s list.
21.Post office to start Forever stamps to get rid of additional expenses.
22.Ambulance with paramedics to be made available to patients or accident sites within 20 minutes.
23.Houses,apartments are not creating adequate parking facilties .Parking fees on streets to be introduced and vehicles without pre-paid parking tickets to be towed away to ease traffic and bring awareness on purchase of new vehicle.Camera with video facility to be implemented at traffic lights in cities.
24.Highspeed internet connectivity to all locations in Bharat.
25.Get rid of caste system.All forms for application can ask “Whether belongs to special catagory–(Yes/No)”.Economic condition to be considered for backwardness.
26.Toll booths to have automatic toll collection from digital prepaid cards to avoid delay and corruption.
27.Interstate entry /exit points to have digital auto weigh bridges to avoid delays and corruption.
28.States with more than 35 Parliament seats to be divided to have better governance.Union Territories to be merged with neighbouring states
Dhaval Joshipura is a senior Indian community leader based out of Houston, Texas. He is executive board member of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) and has been instrumental in implementing programs serving Hindu community in USA. He is a prominent speaker on socio – cultural issue facing Hindus globally. He can be reached at: djosh58@gmail.com.
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Source: Dhaval Joshipura via. WHN Publisher