Here is the story of a brave daughter of Madurai, Tamilnadu: Dr. Kalyani Gomathinayagam is a young Indian doctor who volunteered to spend four weeks in Foya, Liberia (West Africa) during September-October, 2014, helping those suffering and dying of Ebola, the awful epidemic. She was one of the few doctors, and likely the only Indian, who had volunteered to work in that region. Kalyani is no stranger to practising medicine in rough situations. After her medical training in Madurai, and working in rural Kerala, she opted to spend a decade working as a medical officer with the Indo-Tibetan Border Police at extremely isolated regions on the border, including remote places in Jammu and Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, as well as a stint, once, on the Kailas-Mansarovar yatra route at Kunji Post. “The most heartening news is that for the past one month they have not recorded any new case coming from Foya. There are some cases in the periphery — in other districts. On the whole I think the community has really participated a lot in bringing the epidemic under control in Foya. That’s a good sign.” interviewed her extensively.