India´s Akademis and Institutes breeding anti-Hindu vermin
Sahitya Akademi has become politically activist in the context of beef and beef ban, GoI crackdown against foreign-funded NGOs, killing of three Rationalists and the killing of one Aqlakh in Dadri over alleged cow killing and beef eating. At one time when Sonia Gandhi ruled this spineless nation Leela Samson by the grace of Gandhi headed three prestigious centres of creative art simultaneously – Kalakshetra Foundation, Sangeet Natak Akademi and Central Board of Film Certification or the Censor Board until one by one she was evicted from all three. But for the Leela Samson scandal which shone light on this sewer hole, the country would not have known that some of our premier educational institutions and centres of art and literature were breeding-cesspools for anti-Hindu vermin parading grandly as fashionable dissenters against “Hindu majoritarian culture”; never mind if this vermin was Gandhi-Nehru secularist, Marxist, Periyarite, Ambedkarite or newly-designed Rationalist which is old and dowdy anti-Hindu Atheist wearing new shade of lipstick.
exposed in recent times how centres of research, learning, art and culture are becoming distinctly anti-Hindu and how these centres and institutes were used by successive Congress governments as privileged parking places for family loyalists willing to promote de-Hinduised Gandhi-Nehru idea of India with the implicit mandate to churn out distorted history in text books and poison young minds with anti-Hindu and anti-national propaganda packaged insidiously in films and television soap operas; and like Ganesh Devy, the latest drama-baaz to return his Sahitya Akademi award, who received foreign funds to the tune of Rs. 12 crores of which Ford Foundation is a major contributor, they must all perforce sing for their supper and dance obediently to the tune of the foreign piper. The media is conspicuously silent about whether these puppets also returned the money component of the Sahitya Akademi award; with interest. This article will focus on the shameless hypocrisy of intellectual terrorists and media presstitutes in this recent bout of anti-Modi, anti-Hindu bashing: how their sense of moral outrage selectively chose only those issues for hyped-up high-decibel expression which had a definite anti-Hindu slant to them while running away from other more terrible tragedies which deserved national attention. Lest there be any lingering doubts, the still unfolding return-and-resign melodrama in Sahitya Akedemi is not about protesting the killing of Aqlakh in Dadri over suspected beef eating or the killing of Rationalists Govind Pansare, Narendra Dhabolkar and MM Kalburgi; it is not about protesting against what they label as shrinking space for dissent or about democracy-under-threat in India ruled by a strong and self-confident BJP government. It is all about growing frustration and rage at Hindu assertion and Hindu fight-back in the face of repeated slights to Hindu religious sensibilities; and because this assertion is seen to be the result of the BJP coming to power with an invincible majority, the protest is actually impotent rage against Prime Minister Narendra Modi who planned and executed the BJP victory. At the end of the day, it is about smug Gandhi-Nehru secularists and toxic Rationalists (the capital R bestows upon them special category status among anti-Hindu vermin) being shaken and dislodged from their entrenched positions of power and privilege in polity, academia and public discourse. Unable as individuals and small groups to make a dent in Modi’s armour and determined to stop Hindu assertion by all foul means possible, the anti-Hindu vermin in media, academia, human rights industry, Akademis and Institutes and the wholly Islamised Hindi film industry are now tactically synergising their efforts to mount collective anti-Hindu pressure on Modi; the objective being, if Modi goes, Hindu nationalism will follow. After all, if Hindus have pushed to the margins in every sphere of film making in the Hindi film industry, if Hindu actors, producers and directors have been rendered powerless and impotent, the same can be done again in the country’s polity too. Anti-Hindu vermin’s synergising war games That the Director of IIT (M) and Dean of Students do not have the will or the courage to tame and end growing anti-Hindu ideological content of student bodies was evident from two events organized by two different student bodies in IIT (M) in just the last one month; the two events signalled the synergy of all anti-Hindu vermin in Akademis and Institutes. 1. On 27th September 2015, IIT for Society organized a one-day workshop by Rationalist Narendra Nayak titled – Workshop on Scientific Thinking and Rationality. The content of the workshop as found on the invitation: About the Workshop: This is the outline of the one day workshop. We will have:
Narendra Nayak’s profile read thus: Narendra Nayak is a well known rationalist from Mangalore, Karnataka. As part of his campaign to expose the so-called miracles and to debunk superstitions, he has conducted about 2000 demonstrations all over India as well as in Australia, England, and Greece. He has been featured in many television programs including the one on physical feats on (the) Discovery Channel – Is It Real by National Geographic, The Secret Swami by the BBC and many others. Prof Nayak is the founder of Dakshina Kannada Rationalist Association and has been its Secretary since 1976. He is also the national president of the Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations, an apex body of more than 65 atheist, rationalist and Humanist groups in India. Nayak’s self-description and the content of the one-day workshop is unambiguously anti-Hindu.Rationalists do not question, deride, debunk and degrade the religious beliefs and practices of Christians and Muslims; their rationalism is confined to defiling Hinduism, Hindu customs and traditions and religious Hindus. The money for organizing this one-day workshop came out of the coffers of IIT (M). While Vivekananda Study Circle and Vande Mataram must raise funds from students for programmes organized under their aegis, the anti-Hindu one day workshop by IIT for Society was paid for by IIT (M). A student of IIT (M) on condition of anonymity told me that throughout the day neither Narendra Nayak nor student participants made any reference to Christianity and Islam. It was Hindu-bashing all the way. One Abhinav Surya is the Secretary of IIT for Society; he is also the official spokesperson of the notorious anti-Hindu rabblerousing student body, Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle (APSC). Prof. Lourdeswamy Bosco is faculty adviser not only forIIT for Society but also for National Service Scheme or NSS. The significance of Lourdeswamy Bosco as faculty adviser in two IIT (M) student bodies which were set up to undertake social service is not lost upon Hindu nationalists who see this as yet another successful attempt by the church to penetrate government educational institutions with the intent to take over all social charity, social service work in the country involving Christian NGOs receiving foreign funds from foreign churches and Christian Funding agencies like World Vision International and ActionAid. Union Minister of HRD would do well to ask the Director of IIT(M) to explain if workshops for educating students about the virtues of rationalism is the stated mandate ofIIT for Society, why did IIT (M) permit what was in reality a workshop against Hinduism and why did IIT (M) pay for the exercise. 2. On Saturday, 10thOctober, the Film Club of IIT (M) screened Ketan Mehta’s Manjhi the Mountainman at 8PM in the open air theatre. The same student who drew my attention to Narendra Nayak’s rationalism workshop told me that this film was unfit for general viewership. This film was screened not in an auditorium for students and teaching faculty of IIT (M) but in the open air theatre where the film was watched by family and children of all those who work inside the campus and other outsiders. The theme of the film may be told in one small paragraph. The film is about “caste oppression” (of course) in Hindu society where Brahmins and Thakurs address people of the scheduled castes as “sooar ka baccha” or son-of-a-pig. In the climax of naxalites enter the village and hang a Brahmin and a Thakur to death from the village banyan tree. Films like Manjhi the Mountainman and speakers like Narendra Nayak when they enter the portals of educational institutions it is with the sole objective of conditioning student minds with anti-Hindu poison. Ketan Mehta’s film should actually be placed under the scanner of the Home Ministry and I&B Ministry not only for showing it to a general audience but also for instigating caste wars and depicting naxal terrorists as agents of social reform. It is time Ministry of HRD took a good hard look at the incumbent Director of IIT (M) and the incumbent Dean of Students for their roles in the functioning of these anti-national and anti-Hindu extra-curricular student groups inside the campus. When Gudiya died and Farheen was killed – where were the nation’s conscience keepers? Around the same time as the lynching of Aqlakh in Dadri another tragedy befell another Muslim family in Bareilly, UP. On October 3rd, one Jaffar Hussein banged his four year old daughter Farheen’s head against the floor and then beat her to death because this little girl’s head-scarf slipped from her head when she was eating her lunchv. This was around the exact same time as the lynching of Aqlakh but for media presstitutes this was not a tragedy which merited their attention. Death of a four year old Muslim girl child who was killed by her religious fanatic Muslim father had no anti-Hindu content in the story and not half as salacious as the story of debauched Indrani Mukherjee; Farheen’s murder was therefore ignored by the English media. In this story a Muslim man was guilty of murder and therefore rich and famous women like Nayantara Sahgal, Ananya Vajpeyi, Rationalists like Narendra Nayak, media presstitutes and all Bollywood Muslim political activists – Shabana Azmi, Aamir Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Christian and Muslim human rights activists Teesta Setalvad, Father Cedric Prakash – none of them had a word to say; no chest thumping, no breast beating. Nobody resigned and nobody returned his or her award. All those waxing eloquent about fringe Hindu groups, about Hindu superstitious beliefs, about Hindu beef extremism, about saffronisation of ICHR and FTII – not a squeak, not a squawk from any them when Farheen died a brutal, painful death because her father was a Muslim fanatic. For me personally girl children are doubly precious and this baby which should have been loved and raised like a devi, died when she was just four years old because she was so enjoying her food, her head scarf slipped and her father thought she should not live for this heinous Islamic sin. My rage against her father, against media presstitues and other vocal anti-Hindu vermin for suppressing this tragedy, for not shaking the nation’s conscience, for ignoring this baby’s murder – it is worse than any anti-Hindu rant. Hindus can take care of themselves now; baby Farheen couldn’t. Killing her was like killing a defenceless animal. There is no forgiveness in my universe for some sins; killing children and animals is among them. To hammer home the point that there is nothing more to Sahitya Akademi type activism than venomous hatred for all things Hindu and mortal fear of Hindu nationalism, let me go back to 2004-2006 when this tragedy unfolded over two long protracted years and ended with Gudiya’s death. This was the time when media presstitutes were wallowing in despondence and unending gloom. President Abdul Kalam refused to swear-in Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister and the tears were still wet on their faces when Gudiya’s life took a tragic turn in 2004. The gut-wrenching tragedy of Gudiya Gudiya married Arif, a soldier in the Indian army.Within ten days of the marriage Arif is called away on duty because of Pakistan’s invasion in Kargil. Arif doesn’t come back home even after the war has ended; he is presumed dead by the family while the army thinks he deserted. He was in fact a Prisoner of War held captive in Pakistan. Gudiya’s family married her off to a distant relative Taufeeq. We do not know if Gudiya’s family asked her if she wished to marry again. Gudiya was carrying her first child, fathered by Taufeeq and was eight months pregnant in August 2004 when her first husband Arif after being released by the Pakistanis, returned home. Because Arif was presumed dead and because widow remarriage is accepted by Shariat, Gudiya was remarried to Taufeeq But she was remarried to Taufeeq without dissolving her first marriage because Arif was supposed to be dead. Under sharia law, a Muslim woman can dissolve a marriage only if the husband is alive and she wanted to end the marriage. Gudiya now had two husbands and she was carrying her first child fathered by the second husband. In September 2004, one month after Arif’s dramatic and unfortunate return from the dead, ZEE TV held a kangaroo court with so-called Muslim scholars and elders who sat around solemnly in the TV studio to decide Gudiya’s fate – with which husband should she be allowed to live. The Mullahs in the Zee TV kangaroo court pronounced the verdict that Gudiya must return to her first husband and also pronounced that the child in her womb would otherwise be considered illegitimate. How could a young Muslim woman take on the entire Muslim society alone? No NGO, no human rights activist, no Muslim women’s organization, no national commission came forward to fight for Gudiya’s right to determine her life, to encourage her to revolt against this shameful verdict. And so poor Gudiya, in the eighth month of her pregnancy was torn apart from the father of the child she was carrying in her womb, and forced to live with the husband she hardly knew. That was the last the world saw and heard of Gudiya. No activist followed up on the issue, no TV news channel went to meet her to find out if she had delivered the child, if Arif had accepted the child as his own, if Gudiya was happy, or what happened to Taufeeq, the father of Gudiya’s child. The 24 hour news channels which ran their industry on Gudiya’s misery for days together, forgot her. She and her tragic life were not news-worthy anymore. They had milked her tragedy dry. What happened to Gudiya? I can only presume the following. Gudiya must have delivered Taufeeq’s child soon after she was forced to rejoin her first husband, which must have been sometime in October or early November, 2004. A husband and his family who considered the issue of her return to Arif as a matter of honour and prestige with no thought to her wishes or feelings would have had little respect for her body or mind. Muslim society had tossed her about like a commodity and her first husband probably thought she had to be made to carry his child at the earliest as a matter of honour. The child would be his proud trophy of his right to possess Gudiya. And so poor Gudiya immediately after having delivered her first child, was made pregnant with her second child by her first husband. Having been subjected to severe trauma during her first pregnancy, Gudiya was neither physically nor mentally fit to conceive again besides having to care for her new-born infant without the physical and mental support of the father of the child. Not surprisingly, the child was delivered premature and stillborn in Meerut in October 2005. Gudiya’s health deteriorated rapidly thereafter and she was moved to the army referral hospital in Delhi in December 2005 from where she has been battling for life. She died on New Years Day, 2006 after a prolonged battle, of multiple organ failure. Sahitya Akademi hypocrites did not write or speak about the life and death of Gudiya or Farheen; Bollywood Moghuls, media presstitutes and Rationalist vermin did not think the lives of Muslims girls and Muslim girl children who were victims of religious fanaticism merited their outrage. A curse upon them all. Radha Rajan
Courtesy: Pics from Facebook | Vigil.
Note: The first three pics are not of the contents of original Vigil article.