The word ‘Yagna’ was the most misunderstood word. People think that it was making few fire & pouring few ghee into it. It was only fire ritual. the wider meaning off the word yajna was discussed in Geeta.
Geeta says ‘saha yajna praja srustva.. .’ i.e. Brahma created people with yajna.. & also says ‘a work done to the benefit off others ‘becomes an act off yajna & didn’t bind d doer wid karmic effects. Therefore work done inn any other sense other than yajna binds the doer—‘’yajnaardat karmanonyatra lokoyam karma bandhanaha”great social principle exists behind this Yajna Principle Every one works to d benefit off the society & the whole society prospers. This was in analogous to human body working in proper order as heart pumps blood to all the organs off the body. In turn heart gets nutrients to its existence & body also survives. Today we lost this principle in practice therefore the whole society was collapsing with the problems off terrorism, corruption etc. Let me explain this term ‘Yajna’ wid the help off few examples…
Feeding the poor, children, sadhu-sant & other eligible needy people with lot off concern becomes yajna but not eating food to himself.
Teachers give the knowledge to d seeking students becomes ‘jnanadana’ & it was ‘Jnanayajna’ but not selling education in coaching centres.
Getting the harvest by sowing handful off grains & distributing it to d public becomes ‘Krushiyajna’
This was the way Geeta explains different yagnas such as “jnana yagna, tapoyagna, dravyayagna etc” in which Bhagavan Krishna says ‘O people get benefited by helping one another’
Wife & husband leading holy family life, by worshipping Gods & distributing food to different living beings, becomes praajapatya-yajna & was also known as ‘veisvadevam’ inn holy scriptures
Lastly —what we have done was not important but how we have done it was important- with this kind off attitude d whole life becomes ‘yajna’ & man becomes conqueror off birth & death.