Here is a link to Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s 2015 Diwali Greeting. Please let us know if you would like to receive a link to a broadcast quality version.
The text of her greeting is below. Happy Diwali to you all and many thanks for your very kind and continued support! Sunil Khemaney Tel: 808-247-1252 Cell: 808-497-8421 Text of Tulsi’s 2015 Diwali GreetingsAloha and Namaste. I wish you and your family the very best and a Happy Diwali. As we light lamps on Diwali in honor of Lord Ramachandra’s return to His kingdom of Ayodhya, after 14 years in exile, it’s a fun time of celebration, but also an important time to meditate upon the deeper meaning of Diwali, which is this: Each of us has unique talents and abilities; each of us has a circle of influence, big or small. Whether in business or politics, within our family, or amongst our network of friends and associates. We should not underestimate our own ability to be of service to others. By taking action to have a positive impact on those around us, we can ignite positive change in the word. We can light lamps each and every day to bring light into the lives of others and cast out the darkness of injustice, hate, and fear. Diwali represents the victory of light over darkness, truth over untruth, righteousness over wrong. Let it inspire us to set aside our differences, and find ways to work together towards the greater and common good. No matter who we are, no matter what our race, religion, economic status, gender, age, or any other material consideration, each of us can use our lives in the loving service of God and of mankind, according to our own abilities. So as we light our lamps for Diwali, let us light the lamps of love for God within our hearts, let us share the light of His unconditional love for us, and do what we can to bring about positive change in the world. Jai Lord Ramachandra Jai Sri Krishna |