Sanatana Dharma Foundation invites you, your family and friends to Sri Srinivasa (Balaji) Kalyanam on Sunday 12th July 2015 at Dr Pepper Arena in Frisco, TX
This is a sacred and divine event wherein the Archakas and Veda Pandits from Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam (TTD) will be performing the Kalyanam with the Utsava Murthies brought from TTD. Puja Samagri, the world famous Tirupathi Laddu Prasadam and Ammavari Kumkuma are also being brought from Tirupathi.
Apart from Kalyanam, the Archakas will also be performing Suprabhata Seva, Thomala Seva and other morning Sevas. With Veda Mantras, Songs on Lord Venkateswara and Nada Swaram being played, and scores of devotees chanting Govinda Namam, it is going it be a sacred, devotional and great experience for one and all.
Sponsors get an opportunity to participate in Kalyanam as a ‘Gruhasta’ ( Devotees will get to be part of the Lord Venkateswara’s wedding entourage; which will be a unique and Divine experience.
The event is a Free event (with Free Parking) for all devotees to come and watch the Kalyanam. Breakfast, Mahaprasadam Lunch and a Tirupathi Laddu will be provided for devotees.
Please mark your calendars and come and attend Sri Srinivasa Kalyanam
Please forward this invite to your friends/family in Dallas Metroplex area
Sanatana Dharma Foundation
214 868 7538