Kashmiri Hindu Martyrs’ Day conference on 9th September,2015


Indo-European Kashmir Forum (UK)  IEKF      

  Registered Address- 1 Norwich Close ,Nuneaton .Warks CV11 6GF UK                                              


Phone +4407886439506    E-mail bhank193@hotmail.com   


Date    23rd July,2015                                  

Dear ,


On behalf of the IEKF Executive and members it gives me great pleasure to invite you to the commemoration of the Kashmiri Hindu Martyrs’ Day conference on Wednesday 9th September,2015 in the House of Commons, London. The conference will be held in the Committee Room 8 from 2.30 pm till 5.30pm.

IEKF is holding this conference in association with HCUK and the conference is supported by several UK’s major Hindu organizations.

We will be joined by our International Co-ordinator ,Dr.Vijay Sazawal from the USA and we hope to have the British Parliamentarians ,Councillors and the representatives of the major Hindu Organizations participating in the conference.

Your attendance and participation will be much appreciated.

The further details of the key note speakers and the programme will be sent to you nearer the time.

Look forward to welcoming you at the conference on 9th September,2015.

With best regards.

Yours Sincerely,

Krishna Bhan    President IEKF

 Sent on behalf of the IEKF Executive Team

Source: WHN Media Network