Leicester’s Kashmir Solidarity Campaign protest turns into a shocking incitement to Hindu hatred event
A protest organised by Andrea Rebecca Burford who is a Labour Party member of Keith Vaz’s Leicester East Constituency and local Branch Secretary of the Union ‘Unite’ on 7th September 2019 created a storm amongst Hindus when abusive language was used about them.
The protest was also addressed by Leicester’s Assistant City Mayor Councillor Mustafa Malik, who is of Pakistani origin and portfolio for Communities, Jobs and Skills. Cllr Malik is also
Mukesh Naker from the British Hindu Voice (BHV) said
“ This campaign was about India and Kashmir, so the Hindu Community was shocked and angry when derogatory anti Hindu slogans were used at the protest meeting. This has the potential of creating communal tensions and was totally unnecessary”
“The involvement of an Assistant City mayor also calls into question his code of conduct. British Hindu Voice has already written to the Leicester City Council’s Monitoring Officer to investigate.”
British Hindu Voice has also written to the Chief Constable of Leicestershire registering an incitement to faith hatred complaint.
The BHV has also written to the Secretary of the Leicester East Constituency Labour party and the Trade Union Unite regarding the conduct of Andrea Rebecca Buford.
Briefing to the Editors:
The campaign was about the issues around India’s abrogation of Article 370 and 35A. This is a matter between India and Kashmir. India is a secular state. India is NOT Hindu.
To say India and therefore Hindus are responsible is bringing religion Muslim vs Hindus into the equation. From there to use Hindu Hatred slogans like Hindu fascism, misuse and linking of the much-revered Hindu Swastik symbol and turning it into a Nazi hate symbol, calling the Indian PM Narendra Modi ‘ Asian Hitler ‘and thus implying Hindus are like Nazis is faith hatred.
The organisers, who were photographed with banners promoting incitement to hatred slogans, by not stopping this diatribe has either knowingly approved them or given their tacit approval.
Please find attached pictures of Cllr Malik and Andrea , the car photo and any other evidence that we have.
Further background including the letters mentioned above can be found in this link.
Cllr Malik’s Council profile.Declared interests including being aCEO of the Pakistan Youth & Community Association Useful Links Face Bookhttps://www.facebook.com/BritishHinduVoice FAQ’s on BHVhttp://worldhindunews.com/2014060625622/british-hindu-voice-bhv-faqs/ BHV Partnership on Caste Conference – Caste: Critiquing Colonial and Contemporary Constructions – 5 April 2014http://www.law.qmul..ac.uk/events/items/134543.html WOOLWICH INCIDENT – BHV Statementhttp://equalitydiversityofficer.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/british-hindu-voice-statement-on.htmlBritain: Debate on Kashmir in House of Commons by British Hindu Voice to UK MP’s – September 20, 2014http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/20782.htmlhttp://www.outlookindia.com/news/article/Debate-on-Human-Rights-Situation-in-Kashmir-Causes-Stir-in-UK-Parliament/859309 Increase in India Visa Fees. – Message from British Hindu Voice (BHV) – http://www.bardaionline.com/general/message-from-british-hindu-voice-bhv-increase-in-india-visa-fees/2013/01/24/ Mayoral Elections 2012 Ken Livingstone – Questions to Navin Shah – 30 Apr 2012http://pattniconnection.com/Events/British-Hindu-Voice-Message.html Veggie powerlifter Martine George wins European title June 20, 2014http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/people/British_Hindu/profile.html BHV view on the proposed Muslim and Hindu Bank Holidays – 1 Jun 2014http://metro.co.uk/2014/06/01/britain-could-get-muslim-and-hindu-bank-holidays-4746610/ HINDU COMMUNITY CELEBRATE PRINCE GEORGE’S BIRTHhttp://www.pukaarnews.com/hindu-community-celebrate-prince-georges-birth/7193/ Low-Caste Hindus Oppose Caste Discrimination Legislation Proposed in UK 23rd April 2013http://www.hinduismtoday.com/blogs-news/hindu-press-international/low-caste-hindus-oppose-caste-discrimination-legislation-proposed-in-uk/12826.html Formal Complaint – BBC Asian Network programme by Nihal on Fri 26/9/14 on Caste & Navratrihttp://rajeev2004.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/fwd-formal-complaint-bbc-asian-network.html Afghani Hindu threatened with deportation – ARTI’S FIGHT GOES ON; Asylum Bid Gathers Support – BHV support – 23rd Feb 2011http://www.questia.com/newspaper/1G1-249796203/arti-s-fight-goes-on-asylum-bid-gatlathersupport Criticism of the BBC biased against Narendra Modi – 3rd June 2014http://pattniconnection.com/Events/BritishHinduVoice-ComplaintToBBC-NarendraModi2014.html

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)