Muslims attack Hare Krishna temple in Bangladesh, brutally assault innocent devotees

iskcon-bangladesh-attacked“The best acts that bring you closer to God are jihad, so hurry to it and make sure to carry out the invasion this holy month and be exposed to martyrdom in it,” Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani recently said.

“ISKCON Bangladesh Temple Attacked,” by Jaya Madhava Das,, July 7, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Jul 07, 2015 — MOSCOW, RUSSIA (SUN) — Muslim extremists assault devotees, some hurt and gravely wounded.

Once again we see the dangers of preaching in some Muslim countries. This recent report is from a disciple of Jayapataka Swami at Bangladesh ISKCON. Please pray for the devotees there. Your support for protesting this outrage is needed.

Thank you
Hare Ksrna


‘Yesterday night was a terrible night for the devotees of the ISKCON Temple at Potiya, Chittagong, Bangladesh. It’s a holy land because it is the place where the intimate associates of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Vasudeva dutta and Mukunda dutta appeared. In this holy land a group of terrorists attacked the ISKCON Temple devotees and brutally injured many devotees. Among of them a devotee named Jagadjiban Prabu, who is struggling with death. It’s a terrible moment for the devotees. Please all of you pray for the devotees.

Meanwhile last update is the local police administration is now trying to catch the criminals who are involved in this incident .Some senior devotees of ISKCON Chittagong are trying heart and soul to handle the situation. Especially Lilaraj Gour das, a senior devotee of ISKCON Pravortak Sri Krishna temple is investigating the whole situation and trying to take required steps for resolving the current situation of that temple. Please share it to all. Hare Krishna. ISKCON devotees in grave danger in Bangladesh.’
