After holding it’s first successful shakha at Mundera area, the women activists of samiti have set up their weekly shakha at Kalindipuram. They have also chalked out a strategy to set up another shakha at Jhalwa area shortly.
Sampark pramukh (Mahanagar), Rashtra Sewika Samiti, Momi Dey, told TOI ” The successful attendance of women volunteers and their enthusiasm has finally forced samiti authorities to set up more and more shakhas in different parts of the Prayag Vibhag so that women volunteers could find it convenient to attend shakha.
She further added, “As majority of women activists and volunteers have evening time to attend shakha, so we have decided to set up evening shakas at selected pockets”.
“Since the enthusiasm among women volunteers is increasing day by day, the samiti has plans to run around 50 shakhas across the district ( Prayag Vibhag).
During the shakhas, samiti volunteers held interactive sessions with girls and women coming from different parts of the city including City West, City North and City South and discuss issues related to uphold Indian culture and tradition among masses.
The good sign is that more and more women with both rural and urban background are expressing their willingness to join the samiti’s activities.
The women volunteers are involved in socio-cultural activities and can inculcate a sense of patriotism and social awareness among other women.
An RSS office bearer, meanwhile, said there are around 15,000 women volunteers of the samiti across the state and practice yoga, sing patriotic songs and undergo physical training.