1. Guidance by Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the spokesperson of HJS on attacks on Hindus and its solution
A meeting was held by HJS on 3rd April 2015 in Atal Bihari Mandir, Gadarawara (Dist. Narsinghpur) in which Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the all-India spokesperson of HJS gave guidance on the topic of ‘Attacks on Hindus in present times and solutions’. The meeting was attended by 15 devout Hindus.
2. Lectures arranged by HJS at various places
2. A. Dist. Hoshangabad (Narmadapur)
2. A. 1. Palia Piparia : On 3rd April 2015, Shri. Manish Saharia, a local devout Hindu from Palia Piparia, Dist. Hoshangabad (Narmadapur) organized a lecture and he only spread the word about it for people to know. As a district Coordinator of HJS, I (Shri. Yogesh Vhanmare) spoke on the topic ‘Need for Hindu Rashtra and its purpose’ and Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the all-India spokesperson of HJS spoke on ‘How establishment of Hindu Rashtra is spiritual practice and a penance in present times’. The program was attended by 250 devout Hindus (including men and women).
Shri. Kushwah, a devout Hindu attending the meeting expressed his wish to arrange similar lecture in his village.
2. A. 2. Bankhedi : On April 4, 2015, local devout Hindus Shri. Kamalesh Sahu and Shri. Rajkumar Sharmaji had organized a lecture in the hall of ‘Saraswati Shishu Mandir’ which was attended by nearly 50 devout Hindus. A book exhibition was also held at the venue and many people visited the same. A meeting was held after the lecture and discussions were held on ways of working for Dharma, with unity.
2. A. 3. Umardha : On 4.4.2015, Shri. Abhishek Chaudhary and Shri. Yadav its Sarpanch organized a lecture at Umardha, Dist. Hoshangabad. Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the all-India spokesperson of HJS gave lecture on the present condition of the nation and need for establishment of Hindu Rashtra. More than 100 people (men and women) attended the program.
2. A. 4. Udaypura, Dist. Raisen : Shri. Kantaji from Udaypura, Dist Raisen has been propagating ‘Sriram-charitra, Rama-rajya and Rama-bhakti’ by reading the Holy Scriptures. On every Pournima (full moon day), ‘satsang’ is held in 60 villages. His lecture was arranged at Udaypura, Raisen and at that time, he arranged for lecture of Shri. Ramesh Shinde. Shri. Shinde explained the difference between Hindu culture and western culture in his speech as also explained that attempts to protect Dharma is like service to God in present times.
Dignitaries and eminent personalities attending the lecture, later invite Shri. Shinde for similar lecture to their areas.
‘Tapaswi Mahant Shri. Dhruvadas Tyagiji Maharaj from Pansi Ghat, Umaradha, Dist. Hoshangabad wants his ashram at Mathura to be used for Dharma-karya : On 5.4.2015, Shri. Ramesh Shinde visited ashram at Umardha to meet ‘Tapaswi Mahant Shri. Dhruvadas Tyagiji Maharaj’ from Pansi Ghat. Maharaj offered to extend full help in Dharma-karya and also offered his ashram at Mathura for making use in Dharma-karya.
3. Police try to dissuade Hindutva-vadis from Ujjain and Indore, from lodging complaint against anti-Hindu fanatic artist Akram Husain from Guwahati
On 13.4.2015, ‘Hindu Shaurya Manch’ from Ujjain and other organizations came together to lodge a complaint against fanatic artist Akram Husain from Guwahati for denigrating pictures drawn by him. Members of HJS were also with them. This created awareness amongst all Hindutva-vadi organizations and more than 80 devout Hindus came together to lodge similar complaint with another police station. Police, however, gave some reason for not registering the complaint; therefore, a representation was given to them.
On 15.4.2015, Shiv Sena and other Hindutva-vadis from different organizations came together at police station even at Indore for lodging similar complaint. Here too, police expressed problem in registering complaint and were given representation.
4. One-day convention planned during meeting of Hindutva-vadis
On 14.4.2015, ‘Hindu Shaurya Jagaran Manch’ and other pro-Hindu organizations had organized a meeting at Ujjain which was conducted by HJS members and one-day convention was planned in Ujjain during the meeting.
5. Decision to lodge complaint against hooter was taken in monthly meeting of HJS
On 17th April 2015, monthly meeting was held at Indore. It was decided in the meeting to lodge a legal complaint against hooters fitted on mosques. Hindutva-vadis will work on this issue.
6. Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha at Burhanpur
On 25.4.2015, Dharmajagruti Sabha was held at Burhanpur. It was attended by 200 devout Hindus. There was a demand to hold similar ‘sabhas’ in other two villages. A press conference was held before the ‘sabha’ which received good response from local reporters.
7. One-day regional convention in Ujjain on 31st May
In January 2015, Acharya Jitendra Arya from Burhanpur had showed interest in holding convention in Ujjain; accordingly, it has been decided to hold one-day regional convention at Ujjain on 31st May 2015.
8. Shri. Atul Jaiswani of ‘Hindu Seva Parishada’ from Jabalpur demanded to hold one-day camp for his members.
9. Commendable participation of devout Hindus in Dharma-prasar activities
9. A. Shri. Manishji from Hoshangabad makes arrangements for lodging and boarding for seekers and offers even vehicle for their travel : Shri. Manishji from Hoshangabad had arranged for transport for Shri. Ramesh Shinde, from Gadarwada to Pansi ghat, Umardha; so also all his lectures and contacts. He had also arranged for lodging and boarding of other seekers. The day, Shri. Manishji was to give his car for ‘seva’, his new car met with an accident in which its door got damaged. He immediately got the door repaired temporarily and offered it for ‘seva’ for 3 days. He had no tension even after his car met with an accident. He had qualities like doing seva with lot of yearning and ‘bhav’.
9. B. Shri. Shailesh Nimbhore lodges complaint with police against display of posters for a vulgar film titled ‘B A Pass’ :In the ‘sabha’ held at Burhanpur, it was explained that vulgar films and their posters displayed everywhere create wrong ‘sanskars’ on people. Shri. Shailesh Nimbhore, a local devout Hindu took note of the same and lodged a complaint against ‘Kamal Talkies’ for putting up posters of indecent film ‘B A Pass’. He is trying to see that the concerned persons should get appropriate punishment. It shows that even one sentence said during the ‘sabha’, can create so much of impact on people.
– Shri. Yogesh Vanmare, Coordinator, HJS, MP