Mumbai : ‘Don Bosco’ School from Matunga was to hold annual examination on the day of ‘Gudhi Padva’. (It is the effect of Hindus enrolling their children in convent schools ! Today, exams are held on the festival days of Hindus; tomorrow, Hindu students may be asked to do something against their Dharma.
Hindu Rashtra is the only solution to all such problems ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Yuva Sena’s representatives met the Principal of the School on 4th March in this connection; demanding change in time-table. (Congratulations to Shiv Sena’s Yuva Sena trying to help Hindus in celebrating their festivals ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) The school management has declared holiday on Gudhi Padva and the examination scheduled to take place on that day will be held two days earlier. (Hindus should always take action with unity to have impact ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
Hindu parents complained to Yuva Sena as they came to know about examination on Gudhi Padva. Yuva Sena’s representatives met Dy. Education Inspector from South Zone and demanded that no examination should be held on the days of festivals.