Reaffirming its commitment, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad today said its stand on Ram Janam Bhoomi and cow slaughtering has not changed with the change of guard at the Centre.
Reaffirming its commitment, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad today said its stand on Ram Janam Bhoomi and cow slaughtering has not changed with the change of guard at the Centre.
“VHP’s agenda does not change with the formation of a new government… It is committed on main issues of Ram Janam Bhoomi, Krishna Janam Bhoomi, Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, anti-cow slaughtering, and against intrusion of Bangladesh nationals…,” senior VHP leader Vinayakrao Deshpandey said.
Deshpandey was addressing VHP activists during a 10-day workshop-cum-training camp here.
He said the VHP would continue its country-wide “Hindu Jagran” campaign over all these issues and the recent debate on Article 370 of the Constitution which gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
He, however, said VHP would first observe its 50th anniversary across the country.
Vinayakrao Deshpan