WHN | Feb 8, 2018, 09:00 EST
JAIPUR: Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Jaipur based NGO Nimittekam united more than a dozen NGOs and social service organisations working for the upliftment of Hindu refugees from Pakistan.

L-R: Rahul Chandra Sharma, Pakistan Hindu Refugee Relief Project Director, VHP Senior Leader Prashant Hartalkar, Dr Omendra Singh Ratnu
Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s senior leader Prashant Hartalkar led the audience and dignitaries who were present to hear the requirements of Pakistani Hindu refugees in India. Minister of Parliamentary affairs Mr Arjun Meghwal a member of parliament proposed skill development centre for Pakistani Hindu refugees youth, also proposed to allocate some corporate social responsibility funds for the development of Pakistani Hindu refugees.
Prashant Hartalkar said more focus is required in Jodhpur and his speech condemned the human rights violation of Hindus in Pakistan and urged the Indian government to take measures at the highest Pakistani authority to protect Hindus and Hinduism in Pakistan, he said that there are no human rights in Pakistan and the Jihadist ideology is dangerous for the entire minority community in Pakistan.
The program was well organised and more programs of similar nature which aims to unite social organisations working for the sustainability of Pakistani Hindu refugees in India will be organised in more cities the participants and the refugees who are now Indian citizens represented many states of Pakistan from Karachi, Balochistan, Sindh, Peshawar .
Delegates greatly appreciated the initiative of Vishwa Hindu Parishad in organising such events Pakistan Hindu Refugee relief program director Rahul Chandra Sharma requested minister of parliamentary affairs to talk and update minister of external affairs Sushma Swaraj to direct the consulate in Islamabad an issue long term multiple visa to Pakistan Pakistani Hindus seeking religious tour visa.

Group photo of delegates, union minister, VHP functionaries and Pakistani Hindu relief NGO’s managers
Dr. Omendra Singh Ratnu, director of Jaipur based NGO Nimittekam. spoke about his NGO work for the upliftment of empowerment of Pakistani Hindus in Jaipur and adjoining areas. The objective of the conference was to record and report the social works of NGOs and capture the new requirements of newly naturalized citizens and non citizens of Pakistani origin Hindus in India. Also in the conference it was unilaterally agreed to immediate approve all pending citizenship request a bonafide Pakistani Hindus, Arjun Meghwal minister of parliamentary affairs said he will talk to Rajnath Singh, home minister India for setting up more citizenship camps in Rajasthan and expedite is citizenship process with less turnaround time.
The program lasted for two days was unique initiative by Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Jaipur based NGO Nimittekam and projecting the requirements and stories of Pakistani Hindu refugees in India.