Introducing our Vice Chair – Shri Madhava Turumella
It gives us great pleasure to introduce the Vice Chairman of the British Board of Hindu Scholars, Shri Madhava Turumella.
Madhavaji is one of our most able scholars of the Vedas and a repository of great shastric knowledge as well as being a revered Priest.
The photo shows our Madhavaji (seated right) with one of his esteemed teachers, Sri Dr. Pratapa Dakshina Murthy Dikshitulu, PhD; an Ayurvedic Doctor of renown and also a great scholar of all four Vedas. He is one of the few true srotriya and brahmanishta. As well as having memorised all four Vedas, he is fluent in 18 languages. Truly a great master, and the BBHS is deeply honoured to have received his blessings and his best wishes for the success of the BBHS.