The Editor,
Indian Express,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
We would request you to reach a copy of this mail to Javed Anand. No contact no or mail ID of the author is available in the paper.
Considering the fact that the write-up is definitely misleading and may give rise to avoidable communal tension, we would also urge you to share the thrust of our rebuttal to your learned readership.
And, Sir, you may also carefully decide non controversial write-ups in your magazine.
Yours sincerely,
D.C. Nath
(Former Spl. Director, IB)
(President, Patriots’ Forum)
October 29, 2015
Dear Shri Javed Anand,
Subject: Answers To “When Anger Is The Rage”.
We happened to read and re-read your piece on the above, carried on p.7 of “The Asian Age” of October 28, 2015.
With due regard to your scholarship, we would maintain that you are misguiding the Muslim friends in India. While, we could have rebutted the entire mail of yours, we are avoiding that in order not to tax the patience of the esteemed readers.
Before we refer you to some of our circulatory mails, more or less on the same subject, let us share with you the following facts:
· India, rather, the Indic civilisation, has been secular from time immemorial. The formal inclusion of the expression “secular” in the Indian Constitution has been only a “political exercise” for the specific purpose of vote bank politics, initiated by Indira Gandhi.
· SIMI is not the response to what you call “Hindutva”. It is a product of a group of Indian Mujahideen (IM), graduating to become SIMI. Resultantly, they developed the “ghetto” culture, turning some areas in urban areas into “no-go” areas even for the State police.
· Are you aware that only the other day, the head of the Islamic Theological Society in Pakistan declared unequivocally that democracy has no place in Islam?
· All non-State actor terror bodies have tasted the Indian soil and their entry into India is no longer a thing to happen in the future. And, instead these are positives to be factored in by the security and Intelligence agencies.
· It has been proved by a number of judicial commissions that the 2000 riots in Gujarat had taken place because of the deep-rooted conspiracy by a handful Gujrati Muslims.
Now, we wish to aquaint you how the present NDA government of Narendra Modi has also been continuing to nourish the minority appeasement card, fathered by the Congress government ere long, well watered by the last two tenures of the UPA I and UPA II. This has given rise to a strong feeling of disentachment among the members of the majority (till now at least) community. We have brought this, quoting facts and facts only, to the notice of the honourable Prime Minister, explaining how all these have virtually developed almost into as a State policy of positive discrimination against the Hindus of India. A sharp reaction to this is on the anvil, that the Modi Sarkar can ignore only to its own peril.
The best way for that would be to send you and request you to go through carefully what we have conveyed to the Prime Minister in our circulatory mails on: “How Much More Will The Muslim Community Be Pampered? And, Why? Is It A Political Necessity For Bihar Elections Or For Survival? Serious Security Implication” dated July 2, 2015, and “Minorities Discriminated In India? No, Not At All And BY NO MEANS” dated May 26, 2015.
Well, we have also written more on the subject. We shall come to that in due course.
Thanking you and with regards,
Yours sincerely,
D.C. Nath
(Former Spl. Director, IB)
(President, Patriots’ Forum)
Copy forwarded for favour of action, as thought appropriate:
· Cabinet Secretary
(Shri Pradeep Kumar Sinha)
· The Prime Minister Office
(Attention: Shri P.K. Mishra)
· The Union Home Minister,
(Shri Rajnath Singh)
· The Union Home Secretary
(Shri Rajiv Mehrishi)
· The Minister for Minority Affairs,
(Smt. Najma Heptulla)
· The National Security Advisor,
(Shri A K Doval)
Source: Patriot Forum
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