‘Some so-called Hindu organizations have been collecting funds in the name of ‘Hindutva’ and defaming the genuine Hinduorganizations and some are only pretending to be working for Hindus. Condition of Hindus is very bad in Assam. There are a lot of cases of conversions and infiltration is also taking place on large scale. ‘Hindu Yuva Manch (HYM)’ is therefore, trying to save Assam. Cases of conversion are more in tribal areas; but even in such conditions also, we are working for protection of ‘Hindutva’. In areas, where Christians are in majority, we work for children of tribal people. We try to help tribal youth to start own business. Last year, we brought 645 converted tribal people, back to Hindu Dharma. We are also trying to provide houses to homeless children. We get help from Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) in this context.’ said Shib Shankar Kundu, Secretary, ‘Kendriya Sanghatan’, Hindu Yuva Manch, Assam while addressing the 4th Hindu Adhiveshan.
He further stated, ‘On 24th December 2014, 80 tribal people were killed in one area. Nobody came to help; not even Indian army, which reached only after terrorists ran away to China. We are trying to change this situation and we will try to associate more and more youth with HYM.’
Shri. Shib Shankar Kundu said that he got direction for this work only due to Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale, Source of Inspiration for HJS and Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of HJS.