After the decision in favour of Ram temple in the Supreme Court in November 2019, now there is hope among people that Hindus will get justice in Mathura and Kashi dispute also.

The trial on between Swayambhu Bhagwan Vishwanath and UP Sunni Waqf Board in the fast track court of Varanasi. Anjuman Intejamia Banaras is also with the Waqf Board in this matter. The Muslim side demanded that the stay on the ASI survey of Kashi Vishwanath in the case be maintained, but the court has rejected their demand. Now the next hearing on the demand of the plaintiff side of the Archaeological Survey of Gyanvapi Masjid will be on 17 February. After the dismissal of the petition of the defendants, there is hope among the people that now the matter will be heard at a fast pace.
Senior advocate Rajendra Pratap Pandey is appearing on behalf of Lord Vishweshwar in this case. He said that Anjuman Intejamiya Benaras and UP Sunni Central wanted this action to be postponed and no further hearing. After the court rejected their demands, proceedings will now go on in this case. After the decision in favour of Ram temple in the Supreme Court in November 2019, now there is hope among people that Hindus will get justice in Mathura and Kashi dispute also.
The case of Kashi Vishwanath and Gyanvapi Mosque was going on in both the High Court and the Sessions Court. Later the High Court said that the trial will run in the same court and will continue in the sessions court. On behalf of the plaintiff side, an application was made by ASI to conduct a physical survey of the entire Gyanvapi campus, to which the Muslim side objected. He said that according to the 1998 order of the High Court, there is a stay in this case.
The Hindu side says that this matter is related to the sentiments of Hindus, hence it is necessary to conduct a survey by ASI. The Gyanvapi Mosque is also located in the Kashi Vishwanath temple complex. Hindus believe that Vishveshwara still sits in the disputed complex.
Advocate Rajendra Pandey has said the same thing. Pandey said that the Shivalinga is seated in Gyanvapi and that He has manifested Himself. There will be arguments on the matter again on February 17, in which the court will hear the pleas of both the parties to conduct a survey with ASI.
Advocate Rajendra Pandey said that Lord Vishweshwar is seated in Gyanvapi since Satyayuga and after the ASI survey, the truth will come to the fore in this matter. He says that Lord Vishweshwar is also the owner of that complex. But after breaking a pavilion, Aurangzeb set up the mosque.