Shri. Murali Manohar Sharma, General Secretary, ‘Bharat Raksha Manch’, Odisha said, ‘The problem of infiltration by Bangladeshis is becoming severe and through them, there is increase in terrorism. Today, there are 5 crores of Bangladeshis in India. The problem has become so severe that if such infiltration is not stopped, there could be another partition of this country; these infiltrators may ask for a separate land for them besides creation of other problems like robberies etc. Many problems can be solved if this infiltration is stopped. Sadhvi Pradnya Singh was severely tortured in jail; male police also brutally beat her despite her being a woman and she is severely injured due to this beating. Shri. Anil Dheer, Shri. Suryakant Kelkar and I paid visit to her when nobody was ready to meet her. In such situation also, Sadhviji advised us not to put word for help to her to anyone but first think of the nation. This country is being run with the blessings of evolved Saints and their sacrifices. Even the present Government could be elected with the help of Saints’ blessings and we should always remember this.
We celebrated birth anniversaries of Swatantryaveer Savarkar and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Sw. Savarkar is the only great personality, not only in India but in the world, who underwent life imprisonment twice.’
Shri. Sharma offered gratitude at the feet of Srikrushna and Paratpar Guru Doctor Athavale before starting his speech.