Appeal For Bihar / Assam Flood Relief

The intense South West monsoon has created severe floods in Bihar and Assam and 15 million people, and their cattle are critically impacted. Nearly 150 people have died so far.
The deluge has wreaked large scale devastation in crop lands. Not only the daily life is interrupted, but also the livelihood is threatened for many months to come. The unprecedented amount of rain surprised everyone as it generally rains in August and not in July. May be the intensity is due to climate change and it is sad the poor are impacted disproportionately.
There is an immediate need for relief materials, medical assistance and shelter. In addition to immediate relief work, sustained rehabilitation work will be needed for many months.
VHP of America requests your kind contribution to help the victims and their families who are affected by this devastation. We appreciate your contribution and help in spreading the word to raise funds for the victims of the floods. Please help VHPA uphold its mission of Seva (selfless service), which is the very essence of Hindu Dharma.
Please contribute generously to the Flood victims.
Your donations are tax deductible.
Click here to DONATE
Please mention ‘Bihar/Assam Floods’ in the ‘Donation Purpose’ box just above the amount field.
You can use your Visa, M/C or Discover card for your contribution.
Or make check payable to VHP of America and mail it to:
VHP of America,
P.O.Box 2009
Natick, MA 01760
Source: VHPA