Shri. Arjun Sampath, President, Hindu Makkal Katchi (Hindu Peoples Party), Tamil Nadu said during the 4th Adhiveshan, ‘There are 80% Hindus in Tamil Nadu. However, they are divided on the basis of caste, sect and politics. There is no unity amongst the Hindu organisations in Tamil Nadu. Preachers of other religions are openly propagating their religion; however, Hindus are silent. There are increasing number of attacks on Hindus in Tamil Nadu. Ever since Jayalalitha has assumed power in Tamil Nadu, seven Hindu leaders have been murdered. The fanatic Muslim organisations are looking out for those working for the cause of Hindutva and are brutally assaulting them. In the past 30 years, 127 Hindu leaders have been killed.
Fatwas were announced to kill me as well. Last year, secretary of the Hindu Munnani Organisation was killed. Even religious conversions by Christians is on the rise. Recently, 100 families from Minakshipuram converted to Christianity. The former Chief Minister, Karunanidhi, openly addresses Hindus as ‘Thieves’.’