Jeopardizing national interest for the sake of appeasement   |   Congress party needs a lesson from Nehru’s book   |   Rajan Zed to be feted for record number of invocations in legislative bodies all over USA   |   HinduPACT’s HinduVote Unveils American Hindu Agenda for the 2024 Elections   |   Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): A New Hope for Pak Hindu Migrants   |   Hindu Americans protests violence against Hindus in Bangladesh at Frisco, TX   |   Voice Of Netherlands Hindus Against The Violence Targeting Hindus In Bangladesh   |   Hindus from various Dutch cities protests Anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh   |   Global Protests in Solidarity with Hindus in Bangladesh   |   Stop Hindu Genocide in Bangladesh Protest Rally Friday Aug 9 ,UN Building New York    |   Protest Rally in Frisco, TX on August 10; at 6:00pm CST. Save Hindus in Bangladesh   |   Act East Policy – Spotlight on Bharat’s North East   |   President to open Hindu Conference in Guyana   |   Queen Ahiliyabai Holkar renovated the temples desecrated by Mughals: Er.Rajesh Pathak   |   HinduPACT Condemns Violence Against Hindus in Bangladesh   |   NAACP announces Religious Leadership Award for Hindu statesman Rajan Zed   |   Proposal for the United Nations to recognize an annual day in Memory of Indian Indentured Servitude   |   Required to be followed by the entire nation   |   Hindu statesman Rajan Zed to open US Senate with Hindu prayer for second time on July 30   |   ‘Seculars’ against reservation benefits to Hindus in AMU !   |  

Dharma Talk, Meditation and Healing with Brahman Kyrie

Dharma Talk, Meditation and Healing with Brahman Kyrie

Dharma Talk, Meditation and Healing with Brahman Kyrie
September 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
2nd Wednesday of the Month at 7pm
Cost $15

“Brahman Kyrie works with the Divine Feminine/Maha Shakti, to release from our energy body, astral field and soul dimension. Chanting is also a great way to raise your vibration, so at times throughout the meditation we use the power of nada shakti to “lift & shift” blockages in our conscious and unconscious landscape through sacred chanting. You will feel liberated from old patterns of behavior and begin to fine tune your connection to your own soul. Allow yourself to let go of what doesn’t serve you, release your fears and start living the life you were born to live!”

What will you experience at Satsang:
Down pouring of Spiritual Energy
Wisdom from the Masters
Chanting and deep meditation
A Raise in your Vibration
Come and enjoy opportunity to utilize this energy to expand our consciousness and raise our vibration. This is definitely something you want to be a part of.


Source: Patch