Industrialists and politicians represent an India with multiplicity of resources; however the same resources become deficit when the welfare of the ones who are deprived of basic needs is talked about. The IT industry of India has multiplied investment by way of outsourcing; however the farmers are still hunting for their payments. – See more at: http://www.merinews.com/article/akhil-bharat-hindu-mahasabha–presenting-a-new-optimism/15896081.shtml#sthash.TIfB7xR8.dpuf
The ones who know the exact number of literates in India could never be able to answer the number of farmers who commit suicide. When the entire nation stands together to seek safety and empowerment of women, somewhere a girl is being raped. Partial prosperity. Schemes for those who can help the political parties gather the requisite numbers to form Government. The state is alarming, definitely. Vision and development of all is much-needed.
When most of the political parties are employing every measure to lure particular castes, the stake of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha (HMS) seems much clear and progressive. The foremost measure includes announcing India as a Hindu Nation. The scheme does not demand the compulsion to follow the Hindu religion, rather favoring of particular religions/ castes should be prohibited. Representation of India as a strict Hindu nation would serve multiple purposes. While the past Governments were busy implementing policies that have worked for the betterment of particular religions, the HMS opposes reservation and religion-oriented schemes.
HMS holds a clear view against the conversion of religion, considering the same as the sole basis for partition post independence, and hence should be prohibited so as to ensure brotherhood and world peace. To start with, let me make you aware of the presence of HMS in India. Founded in the year 1914 in Amritsar, the early leaders included Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, much acclaimed for founding the Benaras Hindu University, Babu Navin Chand Rai, Rai Bahadur Chandranath Mitra, Motilal Nehru, Babu Rajendra Prasad, and Lala Lajpat Rai. Swami Shradhanand, Bhai Paramanand, Dr. Munje, Veer Savarkar, and other prominent personalities guided HMS as President at distinct times.
HMS identified India as ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and endeavored for the primacy of Hindu culture, religion, and heritage. The prominent leader, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar favored the abolition of caste system and endeavored for equivalent rights to minority castes. HMS leaders appreciated freedom, however did not welcome the partition. Hence, they protested the verdict of the Indian National Congress and declared 3rd July 1947 as ‘Black Day’. Though HMS did not actively participate in the Indian politics, its leaders have held a dominant view to enrich the people of India.
HMS has put forward some positive views for the upcoming polls, which are expected to form a part of the manifesto of leading political parties. Enumerated hereunder are the measures that can bring in the much-awaited prosperity with alike distribution of income among citizens.
1. Analogous rights and prospects should be made available to every citizen of India irrespective of the religion/ caste to which the person belongs. The Constitution of India should prevail over any religious laws.
2. The construction of Ram Mandir should be looked upon as priority. Plus, Krishan Janambhoomi and Kashi should also be treated with same privilege.
3. Right to efficient medical services is fundamental and should be made accessible at any cost. Every citizen should be provided with adequate infrastructure and free of cost services so as to ensure that health factor is never compromised.
4. Education for every child should be ensured. It is a common belief that the society with educated people is less vulnerable to communal threats and is more efficient to produce opportunities and prosperity.
5. With immense production of electricity, every house and cottage should be lightened. For this, every village should be constituted as a separate entity.
6. Welfare of farmers should be backed by regular supply of subsidized water and electricity. Plus, appropriate rates should be offered to farmers for their produce. Judicial services at village level should ensure fast and easy resolution of disputes.
7. While downfall in the level of underground water is a grave concern, rain water harvesting should be paid heed to.
8. Cows should be declared as national mother, and any incidence of cow-murdering should be treated alike human assassination, which would serve distinct purposes including abundant availability of unadulterated milk.
9. Establishment of small and medium enterprises at village levels should be looked at as a way to resolve the concerns of unemployment. For this, strict regulations should be in place and areas that seek urgent welfare should be indicated.
10. One of the most vital policies includes providing the mother and child access to free of cost milk for 1 year post delivery. Plus, subsidy on milk should be looked upon as a measure to build a healthier nation.
11. The foreign policy of India should be amended to the extent that the neighboring nations get a clear view of nation’s stake on terrorism and illegal infiltration. Nations that have regarded India as a source of their existence and prosperity should be given special privileges.
12. Dishonest amendments made to the historical monuments, culture, and religious facts should be corrected so as to put forward an honest picture of India.
13. Education for all with common structure and syllabus is the key to success and peace. Hence, children should be taught the same moral values and academic knowledge so as to trim down the ill-effects of communal teachings.
14. To provide stable income to every household, 10 crore employment opportunities should be made available. For those who are illiterate, prospects like caretakers of cows and construction of buildings should be looked for.
15. The owners of sources of natural resources should have limited sharing in profits. For betterment of farmers, scientific ways of farming should be adopted without delay.
16. Cow milk and yogurt should be declared as national drinks. Plus, milk should be made available at 2 rupees per 250 ml to every citizen.
The nation which has been a spectator to Governments favoring special religions now seeks for tougher reforms. The BJP, which promised to be a political family of reformers, can be witnessed luring minority votes. While the Congress has always found doors to governance with the help of reservations and special packages for minority, the BJP also reflects an attitude of diplomacy. The Hindus, who are considered to be the key constituents of India, need to be vigilant and tough to uphold their integrity. Definitely, the voters must exploit their right with a view to strengthening the roots, and ensuring safety and advancement of all.