Addressing a packed house in Sanskrit, Chamu Krishna Shastry, co-founder of Samskrita Bharati movement, said that Sanskrit was not limited to granthas and religion.
A circular issued to CBSE school principals has directed schools to observe Sanskrit week from August 26 to September 1.
For the first time, 14 institutions including the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and the Sanskrit departments of Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and NCERT have come together to observe Sanskrit Week.
While a circular was issued in CBSE schools, “suggesting” that Sanskrit Week be celebrated, no such notice was given to the universities. The decision was taken mutually on the “suggestion” of the MHRD, said some of the teachers.
Minister of Culture (Independent Charge) Mahesh Sharma, who was the chief guest at the inaugural event on Wednesday, said it was “painful” that people were ashamed of speaking in Sanskrit. “The enrichment of Sanskrit is essential for the enrichment of our culture,” he said.
Addressing a packed house in Sanskrit, Chamu Krishna Shastry, co-founder of Samskrita Bharati movement, said that Sanskrit was not limited to granthas and religion. “Sanskrit has a big role to play in the knowledge economy,” he said.
The event also witnessed the release of CDs and books in Sanskrit, as well as the launch of a website of Sanskrit songs, set to folk tunes.