Hindus are not as concerned about their votes as other religious groups, a senior pracharak said. (PTI)
The RSS has directed its cadres to ensure that no eligible Hindu voters are left out as electoral rolls are revised before the Lok Sabha elections.
Following the directive at a three-day meeting in Kochi in October,RSS cadres have been targeting voters in states where the revision of lists is on, as well as where it is going to commence in December. The cadres have also been told to ensure that every vote is polled from their area on voting day.
Sarsanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat had earlier told cadres at his Vijayadashmi address (on October 14 this year), “First and foremost ensure that names figure in voter lists.”
Prachar pramukh Manmohan Vaidya admitted that swayamsewaks have been told to ensure that “every eligible citizen” is accounted for.
A senior pracharak said, “Hindus are not as concerned about their votes as other religious groups. We’ve decided this considering that.”
As a follow-up to the Kochi conclave, the RSS held a three-day meeting in Ghaziabad earlier this month of around 300 pracharaks, including 30 who reportedly work in the BJP. Such a meeting was organised after five years.