The Hindu festival Vishu was celebrated by the Indian community of Basingstoke with a colourful and lively event.
Members of the Basingstoke Malayalee Cultural Association gathered at The Vyne Community School, in South View, for the combined Easter and Vishu fun day.
Vishu is a festival celebrated in the Indian state of Kerala and marks the first day of the Malayalam Zodiac.
It falls in the spring equinox, during which time a day has equal number of hours of daylight and darkness, which is where the origin of the word Vishu comes from, meaning equal.
Families enjoyed dancing and singing performances at the school, in Vyne Road. There was also adrawing workshop for children, with their work displayed in an exhibition at the end of the day.
Sajish Tom, a member of the association, said: “The association was set up in 2007 and we now have nearly 70 families involved.”