Subsequently Bhartiji met with some Swedish groups to discuss the setting up of a Hindu Umbrella in Sweden and hopes that over time it will lead to concrete developments. The plight of Kashmiri Pandits Highlighted by the Indo-European Kashmir Forum Dr Lakshmi Vyas our Vice President (2nd left) represented HFE at the event of the Indo- European Kashmir Forum, also held at the British Parliament. This event took place on 4 September. The subsequent debate in the House of Commons and further details can be seen here
Something for Ahimsa and Animals Animal Interfaith Alliance PRESS RELEASE 18th September 2014 The 11th Interfaith Celebration for Animals is being held on Saturday 4th October at Golders Green Unitarian Church at 3.00pm – all are welcome! Although many celebrations for animals are held on 4th October, which is World Animal Day and the birthday of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, this is the only Interfaith celebration for animals. Revd Feargus O’Connor has been holding interfaith celebrations for animals for over a decade and he is committed to bringing people of all faiths together to celebrate their shared love of animals each year. This year’s celebrations are being sponsored, for the first time, by the newly formed Animal Interfaith Alliance, a group which brings together members of all faiths to campaign for the better treatment of our fellow creatures. It is also jointly sponsored by The World Congress of Faiths and Quaker Concern for Animals, who have sponsored the event in previous years. The theme of this year’s event will be the launch of the Animal Interfaith Alliance and the promotion of the second edition of its supporting guide-book The Compassionate Animal: An Interfaith Guide to the Extended Circle of Compassion by Barbara Gardner, who is a director of the Animal Interfaith Alliance. The service will be led by Revd Feargus O’Connor, who is Chair of the Animal Interfaith Alliance, and the keynote speaker will be Dr Richard D. Ryder, the eminent animal ethicist, who is a patron of the Animal Interfaith Alliance. All donations will be shared equally between the Animal Interfaith Alliance and the Universal Kinship Fund of the Dr Hadwen Trust, which was set up in 2006 by Revd Feargus O’Connor to pay for non-animal medical research, that helps both humans and animals, emphasizing the interdependent web of existence, and which has, so far, raised over £18,000. Revd Feargus O’Connor said, ‘I am delighted that the Animal Interfaith Alliance and the second edition of the book ‘The Compassionate Animal’ are being launched at the 11th Interfaith Celebration for Animals, here at Golders Green Unitarian Church‘. Keynote speaker, Dr Richard D. Ryder said, ‘Most faiths have good things to say about animals. We now need to put those good things into action‘. Golders Green Unitarian Church is at 31 Hoop Lane, Golders Green, London, NW11 8BS and is a five minute walk from Golders Green tube station. For further information, please contact Barbara Gardner on or 07740 780028.
Quaker Concern For Animals |
Company number: 8958588 President: Satish Kumar Chair: Rev Feargus ’Connor
Secretary: Barbara Gardner Research and Consultations in the UK The Equality and Human Rights Commission in the UK Religion or belief – tell us about your experiences Do you have a spare 15 minutes to share your personal experiences on religion and belief? If you have ever been treated differently because of your religion or belief, or if this has affected you as an employer or service provider, we’d like to hear from you. Take part in our confidential survey and let us know about your experiences, both positive and negative. Your experiences will help shape our guidance for employers and service providers. Visit our website before 31 October 2014. Consultation: Religion and Belief in Public Life The Commission has been convened by the Woolf Institute, Cambridge, and would welcome your views on the topics with which it is dealing, as outlined in the consultation document at Very briefly summarised, the commission would like to know people’s views on the role of religion and belief in British public life with particular regard to media coverage of religion and belief issues, social action, developments in UK education systems, civil and criminal law, and dialogue and engagement. You are of course welcome to focus on topics and questions which are of particular interest to you – you are not expected to reply to each and every single question in the document. Responses can be of any length and can be accompanied by copies of relevant documents. In its eventual report the Commission will acknowledge all the responses which it receives and will almost certainly wish to quote from some of them directly. Responses should please be sent by 31 October to or by post to the Woolf Institute, 12-14 Grange Road, Cambridge CB3 9DU. Enquiries should be addressed to Mohammed Aziz, head of the Commission Secretariat. There have been objections raised by various groups because Lord Harris who moved the legislation on caste discrimination through the UK Parliament in 2010 now sits on the Steering Committee of the Wolf Commission. Similarly reservations have been expressed about Shaunaka Rashi Das being chosen to represent Hinduism. Whatever your view please express it to the commission and have your opinion recorded. Religions for Peace News Recently Rupal Maru, Malathi Devi Dasi and Bharti Tailor were present at a a meeting organised by Religions for Peace Europe, European Women of Faith Network. We were also joined by a youth named Uday Singh. It was very encouraging to see so many Hindus taking part and we hope it inspires others. Wishing you the best for Vijayadasmi/Dashain/Dussera Yours in Prayer Bharti ✵R G ENTERPRISES A Diversity Consultancy Equality, equity, diversity, ethnicity…Helping you look beyond the words Ms BHARTI TAILOR BA HON. Ms Tailor is currently a Member of the European Council of Religious Leaders and serving as Executive Director to the Hindu Forum of Europe Contact details: Mobile: 0044(0)7736 704383 facebook: bharti.tailor.524 Skype: bhartirg <Newsletter Sept 2014.pdf>