WASHINGTON D.C., May 8, 2020 (India.com): The sacred Vedic Shanti Path or peace prayer was recited by a Hindu priest in the Rose Garden of the White House on the occasion of National Day of Prayer Service to pray for the health, safety and well-being of everyone affected by the coronavirus pandemic. At the invitation of US President Donald Trump, Pujari Harish Brahmbhatt from the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in New Jersey joined religious leaders from other faiths offering prayers on the occasion of National Day of Prayer Service (considerably reduced in size from its normal program).
“In these troubled times of COVID-19, social distancing and lockdown, it is not unusual for people to feel anxious or not at peace. The shanti prayer or peace prayer does not seek worldly riches, success, fame, nor is it a prayer for any desire for heaven,” Brahmbhatt said in his brief remarks from the Rose Garden podium. “It is a beautiful Hindu prayer for peace, shanti. It is a Vedic prayer derived from Yajurveda,” he said before reciting the prayer in Sanskrit. Thereafter, he translated it in English. “The prayer translates to– Unto the heavens be peace. Unto the sky and earth be peace. Peace be unto the water. Unto the herbs and trees be peace. Unto all the crops be peace. Unto Brahma and unto all be peace. And may we realise that peace. Om peace, peace, peace,” Brahmbhatt said.