Hubli: A day after Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that the Sri Ram Sena would be banned in the State like in Goa, Sena founder Pramod Mutalik hit back stating that he would question such a move in the court of law.
Mutalik told reporters on Saturday that the Goa government had not banned his outfit but his and his subordinates entry into that state under section 144 of the IPC. That too for just 60 days.
“So the CM should get his facts right before speaking in public. No government has the right to ban our organisation as we have not involved in any anti-national activities. In fact, the Sena is fighting to uphold and save Hinduism from the onslaught of foreign culture,” he said.
He said the CM might have been misled by Belguam MLA Feroze Sait to make such an announcement. “A day before Siddaramaiah’s visit, there was a communal flare-up in Belgaum city and Sait might have told the CM that Sena was behind this. Let me clarify that Sena has nothing to do with what has happened in Belguam,” he clarified. He said he would soon meet Siddaramaiah and explain about the activities of Sena.