Pune – Sou. Archana Ghanavat, a full-time activist of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) engaged in ‘Dharma-prasar’ and wife of Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, HJS State Coordinator for Maharashtra was felicitated by ‘Nutan Marathi Shala Prashasan’ on 8th March, while celebrating ‘International Women’s Day’. Sou. Ghanavat is working for the mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra and is involved in various related activities like training women in self-defence; guiding them at psychological and spiritual level etc. While introducing her, it was stated that she was working for nation and Dharma. Sou. Supriya Majgaonkar, the Principal of the school was also present. 44 women-parents were felicitated on the occasion for their special achievements while leading routine life. They were presented with a memento and sreephal.