KATHMANDU, NEPAL, July 30, 2018 (ANI): Hindu devotees from across Nepal and India thronged various shrines of Hindu Lord Shiva as part of Bol Bom, a holy pilgrimage ritual that is observed every year in the month of Shrawan. During this pilgrimage, devotees walk for miles barefooted before offering the water to Lord Shiva. Nepal every year welcomes thousands of Indian pilgrims in the month of Shrawan. The annual month-long yatra in the fourth month of Nepali calendar, .i.e. Shrawan, sees saffron-clad Shiva devotees walk barefoot with pitchers of holy water from various water sources filled in decorated slings known as Kanwars. It is believed that wishes of devotees participating in Bol Bom rally come true. As per the latest data published by Department of Immigration Nepal, the number of Indian tourists flowing to Nepal stood at 96,372 out of the total 460,304 foreign tourists hosted by Nepal in between January and June, 2018.
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Source: https://news.biharprabha.com/2018/07/indian-pilgrims-throng-nepals-pashupatinath-to-mark-hindu-festival/