Prime Ministerial Candidate Narendra Modi to set up Hindu University at Puri. They requested for the establishment of universities in the mold of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Puri (Odisha), and other three dhams of India.
Earlier US-based academician Prof. Chita Baral urged centre to set up a Hindu University at Puri on the line of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) or set up a campus of BHU at Puri.
Mumbai based Film maker Santosh Gour also writes a letter to BJP PM Candidate Narendra Modi over this issue. Gour said that the families that serve these temples as well as the surrounding communities are poor and academically backward with very low GER. Each of these areas also has issues that need the urgent help of scientists and researchers. The last year flooding at Badrinath and the coastal erosion and management issues in Puri are stark reminders of this. On the other hand like Banaras, Puri and the other dhams have many scholars and persons with deep knowledge of various subjects, including ancient shastras.
They also have nearby villages and communities teeming with traditions, energy and talent of various kinds. For example, the Raghurajpur village near Puri is abounding with artists and artisans of various forms such as master painters and dancers. Similarly, Puri has now become a world center for Sand Art. He requested that such Hindu Universities in the 4 dhams be modeled after BHU and if BHU campuses are made then they should have units focused on modern subjects such as Business Administration and Law (the subjects that are being taught at the new AMU campus in Malappuram) as well as on subjects related to Culture, Fine Arts, Performance Arts and Spiritualism.