Like a blossoming flower, the benefits of yoga are like each unfurling petal.
Yoga and all of its elements—including making good choices for yourself and others, mindful breathing, cultivating concentration and focus, as well as poses or asanas—help people of all ages grow and blossom into their most authentic selves. Indeed, a myriad of research shows what many have known for centuries: people of all ages who practice yoga are empowered to better manage emotions, stress and energy levels.
While most studies and programs are designed to help adults become stronger and better manage stress, there is mounting research that youth and families also gain important life-skills from practicing yoga on and off the mat.
Just like adults, when youth experience stress or strong emotions with which they are unable to handle, their brains literally do not function to their greatest capacity. In order to maintain high cognitive functioning and succeed academically and socially, kids must learn tools and techniques to self-regulate their own stress, emotions and energy levels.
And since stress often happens before leaving our own front doors at home, it follows that family yoga classes and programs can improve the stress-levels among youth and their families thereby expanding a sense of connection and support by putting increased love into action.
Toward adding more love and tools to foster calmness among youth and their families,The first International Day of Yoga will be held on Sunday, June 21
Using the 8 limbs of yoga not only teaches participants to have respect and awareness for self, others and the environment, but also encourages youth and families to weave yoga into their daily lives both on and off the yoga mat.
Teach youth and families this powerful philosophical concept by defining OM as all things are interconnected, or, as stated in the first verse of the Upanishads, all is OM.
Family yoga is the bridge that will bring our world communities together in peace, purpose, and possibility.
Please support and participate actively in Int.Yoga day event in your chapter or community.
For more information visit:
Dhaval Joshipura
TEAM (Membership)
Source: WHN Media Network