Jacobs Ladder and the Antenna of the Temple (Human Body)
Ancient monuments and temples appear to have been designed to harness cosmic and terrestrial forces. They functioned like a transceiver.
– All-That-Is Waving in Resonance with the Vibes, By Llan Starkweather, PG 56
The cosmic energies of the heavens above are sometimes channeled into the buildings and megalithic structures of earth using an antenna-like conical structure (i.e. a Spire). On ancient religious architectural buildings like the stupa or pagoda, the mast/yasti/horin is the conical structure that functions as the antenna of the building.
The mast (yasti) of the stupa, which represents the cosmic axis, functions like an antenna that channels the aether (celestial) energy from the heavens into the earth. The heavens are represented by the chatras/umbrellas that are on the mast.
The keystone of the structure, which is the mast (yasti) of the stupa or the axis mundi of the building is like the spine of the temple’s body.
The pagodas of the far east, which were developed from the stupa, often have a central pillar/shimbashira built into the center of the structure. These pillars, like the spine of the human body, are able to bend in order to absorb the natural forces acting upon building (strong wind & earthquakes).
The bending of the spine of the pagoda is derived from the knowledge that came to the Far East from India and India derived it from the Egyptians/Aryan Scythians/Israelites. The spine of the pagoda and the pagoda itself move in a very serpentine manner, which hints at the presence of the Danites among the founders of this style of architectural design.
Again, the keystone of the structure, which is the mast (yasti) of the stupa or the axis mundi of the building is like the spine of temple. This spine helps conducts energies through the body/temple.
The spine conducts energies/chakras/frequencies/electricity through the body.
Just as Jacob saw angels ascending and descending from the gate heaven, Jacob’s Ladder (symbolic of the human backbone) also sends messengers/messages (electrical impulses) from the gate of heaven (the Gab H1354/3rd eye pineal gland) to the earth/the human body.
Jacob’s ladder is the spine/axis mundi of the Earth and the human bodies of the Israelite and gentile followers of Christ, who yield their vessels to the influence of the spirit of the Most High God, I AM. According to scripture, God does not dwell in temples made by the hands of men but his church is the human bodies of those same Israelites and gentiles who yield their will to his, and Christ is the cornerstone of the temple (Ephesians 2:20). However, for pagan temples and the bodies of those who yield their mind’s to the Anti-Christ, the keystone/cornerstone or spine of their build is the backbone of the god Ptah/Osiris.
The Egyptian Djed is similar is shape and function to modern high voltage insulators. The spinal cord directs and insulates electric signals from the brain to the body in the same way that the Djed and high voltage insulators do.
The Djed channels the energy of Osiris/Nimrod/Orion into the building.
In fact, not only does the Djed channel the energy of Osiris/Nimrod/Orion into the building but the building themselves are shaped as Osiris also. The shape of the building/antenna helps to facilitate the transfer of energy on a specific frequency so that it is not confused with others. Because of this, the dimensions of the building must be precise and the lesser temple on earth must be an exact copy of some greater temple in heaven in order for the fractal oscillation of energy to occur successfully. ReadSQUARING THE CIRCLE to get a better understand HERE.
The Djed is shaped as the body of Osiris. The Djed is shaped like the body of Osiris so that it will can readily receive his energy.
Jay-Z’s album cover appears to depict the Djed, indicating that he is initiated into masonic mysteries of mind control. Beyond that awareness, perhaps Jay-Z used the Djed to signify that he channeled the power of the god and has become Osiris incarnate.
The Osiriform Djed is similar in form and function to the stupa of Buddha. The eyes of Osiris on the Djed are reflected on the stupa by the Harmika with Buddha’s eyes.
The energies of specific celestial bodies that are channeled into the temple of Osiris/Baal effectively transform the minds and bodies of the individuals exposed to the energy. The shape of the building, in this example, a stupa or gab H1354, magnifies that energy inside of the temple chamber and quickens the process of “enlightenment”. This enlightenment can be defined as a unification of the mind and body of man (the human/physical temple) with the mind and body of the spirit/god/energy of the temple. These temples are typically built in specific locations that align with particular energies that aid the process of transformation and enlightenment.
By chance or design some people, due to their proximity to the alignments, are more influenced by its energies. Perhaps in the distant past this was planned for spiritual leaders, like druidic priests – key occurrences of their lives such as conception, birth and spiritual initiation occurred at strategic locations along the alignments, such as Avebury, during times of peak energy activity. For them, their body’s cells are exposed to a maximum level of energy. The very liquid crystal structure of billions of cells within their bodies resonates with the energy emanating from the fault lines.
The energy from the Earth rises up through the body along the spiralling Kundalini and influences the Chakra points.
The most obvious change is the development of the pineal gland. Spiritualists call this the development of their Brow Chakra or Third Eye. These people are often powerful clairvoyants.” – St Michael and St Mary Alignment: Environmental Influences on the Cell and Geology
The Hindu/Buddhist stupa’s are buildings designed to bathe the body in certain celestial and terrestrial energies to transform the mind and body. This transformation occurs through the development of Brow Chakra/Gab H1354 or the Third Eye. The temple stuctures of Borobudur in Indonesia are a prime example of how temples (i.e. stupa) are designed and used to facilitate enlightenment for adepts and initiates of Hinduism/Buddhism.
The light protruding through the diamonds shaped openings of stupas seem to be indicative of the Vajra (diamond/thunder) that enlightens the individual with the knowledge of Lucifer who fell to the earth like lightning. Like lightning, the energy seeks the quickest and easiest route to the ground and can be channel through human minds/bodies in order to effect change in the earth.
Nicola Tesla and many other scientist/physicist view consciousness as a process of resonance into the body. The body acts as an antenna or transceiver:
The Amanda Temple (LFT) channeling the heavens into the temple. The temples floor plan matches the shape of the mandala (RT) it channels.
The stupa’s mast/antenna channels toroidal stacked plasma energy into the Gab H1354 eminent place/dome chamber of the temple. The picture above is a “sorin”. A Sorin (Japanese name for the mast of a pagoda) is the name of the nine-ringed spire on the top of a pagoda, which is believed to gather all light and positive spirits.
“Plasma discharges, z-pinches, toroids and toroidal stacks, petroglyphs from Europe and America the above plasma discharge toroid images are taken from Anthony L Peratt’s great paper Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity.
Does this show how the lines of the Djed could have been inspired by a plasma disharge and the toroids?” –Everything Electric
The Djed-like King’s chamber of Giza Pyramid (LFT) and (RT) a Marx generator used for testing high voltage power transmission components at TU Dresden, Germany
This is a Marx Generator and is capable of generating sparks in the tens of millions of volt range. It duplicates lightning.
The stupa are arrayed like a Tesla HAARP antenna field
The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
Just like the Stupa antennae, the conical headgear was used to channel energy into the mind to activate the 3rd eye and vitalize the body. Notice the concentric recursive/fractal shape of the headgear in comparison to the stupa mast/antennae.
LFT: Russian HAARP, RT: Chinese Pagoda.
LFT: Russian high voltage Tesla tower, RT: Tianning Pagoda
Pagoda Forest of Shaolin Temple, China
Bali Temple
Gao Yord the 9 peaks or spires. The geometric design represents the 9 sacred peaks of Mt. Meru and contain 9 symbol images of Buddha on Mount Yungdrung’s pyramid of 9 Swastikas
Borobudur in Java, Indonesia
Shwedagon Pagoda
The Yasti mast/sorin/antenna of the temple or stupa that is believed to gather all light and spirits, can then transfer that energy to other buildings in the surrounding area.
The prayer flags of the stupa that are connected to the antenna mast of the temple are attached to other buildings and homes surrounding the temple. The prayer flags transfer the celestial energy channeled through the axis mundi and distribute it to all locations connected to main building.
Even if you split up and disperse your chakra…
as long as you keep even a little bit there without putting it out…
When the original body infuses chakra again to regain control…
All the individual chakra bits begin resonating and link together…
Prayer flags carrying the cosmic energy/chakra from the temple in the center to all buildings and homes connected on the periphery. They all can resonate together on the same frequency when connected like this.
Wat Phra Si Sanphet in the city of Ayutthaya (Bangkok) in Thailand
The conical crown channels the energy of energy frequency of Nimrod/Osiris/Baal/Buddha and the wearer becomes the embodiment/temple of the god. The knowledge of how to unite/resonate with a god/energy was guard secret and perhaps adds another aspect to the idea of “divine right” of rulership. In the Hindu/Buddhist practice of Vastu Shastra, it is believed that the temple not only is symbolic of the house of the deity on earth but it is the actual deity itself. The human body is a temple, so, adorning it in certain regalia will change the shape/reception of the antenna and temple/body. This will allow the body to channel a particular energy frequency, through oscillation, transforming the human bod/temple into the deity. This is one way that god-kings ruled by divine right or divine rite, for on certain people possessed the divine knowledge/mysteries of metaphysics and occult rites.
The Israelites (as the Egyptians and later the Phoenicians/Scythians) actually introduced this spiritual science to the whole world. The conical crown is one of many evidences that support this fact.
“A sacred structure such as a temple is designed to be not just the home of God, but the actual body of God. The building is sacred because it is the Deity directly… Design a building by aligning the universe on the inside with the universe on the outside, knowing that the whole is within, and you control the forces of the universe within that building.” – Hindu Architecture: Vaastu Shastra, Devasthanam website of the Sanskrit Religions Institute
The temples around the world are aligned with evil forces (the rulers of darkness in high places) associated with the Antichrist. In the case of the stupas, they are designed in the shaped of Osiris/Nimrod seated on a throne and therefore, they channel the energy necessary to invoke his presence into the temple.
Anyone standing inside of these temples filled with certain energies will be under the influence of these energies. These energies can have various effects upon the human body however the most common effect is the opening of the 3rd eye to demonic forces. These demonic forces can posses the human body and give an individual they’ve joined with spiritual powers (Hindu Siddhas, intelligence, magic).
“For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” – Revelations 16:14
Angkor Vat, Angkor, Cambodia, 12th century
Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France c.1205-1272
Just as the temples of the East were used to channel celestial energy to help facilitate enlightenment (nirvana/bodhi) and spiritual communion/union with Baal, the western temples were designed to do the same. One particular temple in western Europe, Rosslyn Chapel, was designed with resonant chambers of increasingly higher higher frequencies. These frequencies, which can be imagined as the visual spectrum or the eastern chakra system, are spread across a musical octave built into the chapel’s twelve six-foot steps along the seventy-two-foot interior length. Perhaps the seventy two foot interior length, that is associated with the kundalini chakra system, is also associated with the Shemhamphorasch. The Shemhamphorasch associated with kabbalah and consist of the names of 72 angelic/demonic forces. It would seem that Rosslyn Chapel’s 12 steps along the 72 foot interior floor would indicate an individuals progression through the 12 zodiac wheel of forture/life and the 72 angelic/demonic forces under the authority of the 12 zodiac kosmokratores that are spoken of in the Testament of Solomon and in Ephesians 6:12
The chapel resembles a giant musical key board that plays from low to high frequency or from base to crown chakra.
The Shekinah purple ratio in the Rosslyn Chapel Floor Plan.
In conclusion, it should be understood that the earth is the gab H1354 eminent place of all creation and mankind, being created from the earth itself (Genesis 2:7), is the microcosm of that eminent creation (man is made in the image of Elohim [Genesis 1:26]). The human body is a temple (1 Corinthians 3:16) and the most holy place of the human temple is the pineal gland inside of the brain. Again, the human body is a microcosm of the earth. The most holy place of the earth is Jerusalem, Israel (Genesis 28:17, Galatians 4:6) and that is the location the Most High chose to have his only house ever made—Solomon’s Temple. Inside of the temple, the most holy place held the Ark of the Covenant (the throne of God).
However, we have discovered that temples (including the Human body) also function as transceivers, able to send and receive energy. A transceiver is a form of antenna and like and antenna, it can tune it is capable of tuning into a many different frequencies of the wavelength spectrum. Each frequency produces a different form of energy that can be received by the temple(s) having their own particular effects, respective to the variety of frequency. This energy is channel by the temple/antenna into the most holy place of the temple, which is the throne of a god or, in the case of the human body, the mind. It is in this location that the divine energy/influence enters into the physical realm. The energy of the human temple enters through the mind, and the mind then controls the body by sending the messages (electrical nervous impulses) down the spinal cord/column.
In comparison to the temple of earth, the gate of heaven in where the energy from heaven enters the earth (the axis mundi directly above Jerusalem/Mount Zion) and by God’s messengers, the angels, the energy descends down Jacobs ladder into the body which is the temple of Jerusalem. We also know that that temple is the Israelites and gentile nations grafted into the body of Jerusalem—those who sigh and cry at the abominations taking place in the earth (Zechariah 2:1-2, Ezekiel 9:4). However, many other temples exist in the Earth that are not in tune with the frequency of the Most High God.
Temples constructed to venerate alternative gods are found around the world in abundance. In fact, all temples found around the world are constructed to venerate alternative gods because the creator God, the God of the Hebrew Israelites, says that he does not dwell in temples made by the hands of men (Acts 17:24-25, Isaiah 66:1). These temples are used to unite the minds of people with other gods. These temples are often aligned with specific celestial bodies to channel those energies down into the throne of the mind. The mind controls the body and if evil spirits are seated in the throne of the mind’s eye, the pineal gland, the body will be influenced to do the will of that evil spirit. As a result of this understanding, we must be very careful of what we allow into our mind through our vision.
The eyes are the windows to the soul and the images and experiences that we bring before our eyes and our body (the antenna) will affect our spirit/energy. The Holy Bible tells us that bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33), because the energy and information that we surround ourselves with directly influence our own energy; changing affecting our very thoughts and actions.
The Prince and Power/Ruler of the Air, Ephesians 2:2-3
The Prince of the Air can his name in clever ways in order to indirectly influence you. The Prince of the Air = Baal = Lord of the Air = the Fresh Prince of Bel(Baal)-Air
Nicki Minaj (as Asherah/Ishtar/Lust/Thelema) seated on the throne of the mind with angels of death as her covering cherubim.
We must all be very careful what/whom we choose to align ourselves with and the thoughts we allow to enter/rule our minds.
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, andbringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” – 2 Corinthians 10:5
“Now when God fashioned man, he planted in him emotions and inclinations, but at the same time he enthroned the mind among the senses as a sacred governor over them all.” – 4 Maccabees 2:21-22
Read the The Eminent Eye of the Mound PART I of II blog, or. . .