Just to update everyone, Raj Kumar will arrive in NYC on the 25th or 26th of January. In the time between when he arrives and the time he departs on the 3rd of February will be arranging several talks for him as well as demonstrations outside the Pakistan consulate. Thank you to all of those who have come forward to offer help with publicity. We will be sending you final detail within the next week or so.
Thank You
Vincent Bruno
Justice For Hindus
Raj Kumar is a Hindu activist from Pakistan. The work he does for the Pak Hindu cause is magnanimous. He has been the leading voice and organizer of demonstration and protests against forced conversions and disappearances of youth in Pakistan.
Mr. Kumar had traveled to several nations to meet with Human Rights Organizations and has received high ranking media officials in Pakistan such as The Times of London to report on the Pak Hindu plight.
You can read about some of his work on the JFH website and see his facebook profile below:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/raj.kumar.906?fref=ts
ISPaD also has a room which can be rented where Mr. Kumar and his companions can stay. What we are asking is that Hindu groups and individuals please offer us your network and support. If we are able to fill the ISPaD center a few times (Max Occupancy = 35people) and have attendees offer a small donation to ISPaD (approx $10-$20) then Mr. Kumar will not only have a venue but also a place to stay for his trip.
It would also be a good opportunity for US based Hindu groups and individuals to network with a very brave and helpful Pak Hindu who deserves so much help and respect. You may also wish to include your own banner or speakers at this event, arrangements can be made of cross organizational cooperation.
Mr. Kumar is cc’d on this email, so if you would like to get involved please hit (reply all) and say who you are and if you represent an organization and how you would like to help. I will also be calling local NYC Hindu groups/individuals.
Please help us make Mr. Kumar’s trip to the USA a success, Pak Hindus desperately needs us.
Thank You
Vincent Bruno