Hindu Rashtra can be established only if Hindus unite : H. H. Nandkumar Jadhav

Chopda-Jalgaon (Maharashtra) : Struggle is inevitable if Hindu Rashtra has to be established. All Hindus need to increase their spiritual strength by undertaking ‘sadhana (spiritual practice)’. Sanatan Sanstha has made a resolve for purification of converted Hindus. All the Governments have so far tried to attack sources of ‘chaitanya’ of Hindus. Through cow-slaughter also, Hindus’ objects of reverence are constantly attacked. It is therefore, necessary to implement Act banning cow-slaughter all over India.
Hindu Rashtra can be established only when Hindus come together. The above guidance was given by H. H. Nandkumar Jadhav of Sanatan Sanstha, during Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (sabha) held on 1st March at ‘Mali Samaj Madhi’. The ‘sabha’ was attended by more than 900 devout Hindus.
Shri. Vijay Patil, the North Maharashtra Coordinator of HJS and Kum. Pallavi Chaure, of its ‘Ranaragini’ Division, Yeotmal shared the dais with him. H.H. Nandkumar Jadhav and Shri. Vijay Patil were welcomed by Shri. Muralidhar Patil of ‘Gopa Nagari Pata-pedhi’ and Kum. Chaure was welcomed by Sou. Jyoti Warke. Veda-murty Shri. Ashok Maharaj recited ‘Veda-mantras’ in the beginning of the ‘sabha’. He was welcomed by Shri. Bharat Singh Patil. Various resolutions related to Hindu Dharma were unanimously passed in this ‘sabha’.
Guidance by dignitaries
Only Hindus can remove the shadow of ‘love jihad’ ! – Kum. Pallavi Chaure
Our country is under the shadow of love jihad. Hindu young women are drawn in net of false love by Muslim youth. Hindu youth should wake up and teach a lesson to those oppressing Hindu girls, for eradication of love jihad. Hindu girls should also follow own culture and come to branch of ‘Ranaragini’ for getting trained in self-defence.
Hindus should learn from the past attacks by fanatics ! – Vijay Patil
The Government is trying to obliterate past history. Hindus are only taught to respect other religions; but no other Sect teaches secularism. Hindus are being made impotent through such strategies. Looking at the incidents of attacks at Shirsoli, riots at Pachora, one can realize that the Government would do nothing to help Hindus. Hindus should therefore, unite.
1. Area between Nagalwadi Chowk and venue of ‘sabha’ was crowded with youth carrying saffron flags and beating drums.
2. The local Crime Branch police video-recorded the ‘sabha’. Many policemen were deployed for patrolling; including Home Guards at the venue of the ‘sabha’.
Dignitaries attending the ‘sabha’
Shiv Sena MLA-Shri. Kailas Patil, MNS District-President Shri. Anil Wankhede, Shri. P.K. Dalal, District-President of VHP, Govind Marathe, many devout Hindus from Swarajya Group
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat