[Media Release]
25 january,1998.
‘Another Dark Day of Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits’-
25 january,1998.
Time 10 p.m.
Abdul Hameed Gada of Hizbul Mujahideen alongwith 24 fanatic Islamic Terrorists Swooped in Wandhama village in Kashmir and killed 23 kashmiri pandits.
These Hindu Minority- Villagers had chosen to Stay back and Not Leave Kashmir Valley even after Forced Exodus on Kashmiri Pandits was Unleashed on HOLOCAUST Day of 19 Jan 1990.
The Wandhama mass massacre of Kashmiri Pandits was timed to coincide with Shab-e-Qader, the holiest month of Ramzan (as they call it) when believers stay awake until dawn.
The Separatists didn’t Tolerate the Staying Back of Minority Pandit Community and hence decided to eliminate entire Village of Kashmiri Hindus !
Panun Kashmir- Premier Organisation of Kashmiri Pandits – Demands Long Awaited Justice and That a Special Investigation Team Be formed by Centre Govt. to Carry out investigation against the Perpetrators of crime ….
Chairman Panun Kashmir -Dr. Ajay Chrangoo Called the Manslaughter by Islamic Jehadi Separatists as peak of Intolerance that goes to show – Jehadi forces are hell bent to Religious extermination of Kashmiri Hindus and that The Nation Must Awaken upto Reality.
Convenor- Panun Kashmir-Dr. Agnishekhar, while Paying Tribute to all those Martyrs of Community called it 17th Anniversary of Shame and Seeks the much awaited Justice against Genocide!
Panun-Kashmir Organisation demands an SIT be constituted to probe into Selective and enmass killings of Kashmiri Pandits- that lead to our Ethnic Cleansing from Kashmir Valley!
List of Wandhama Martyrs :
Moti Lal S/o Sri Kanth;
Chotli W/o Moti Lal;
Sanjay Kumar S/o Moti Lal;
Seema Kumari D/o Moti Lal;
Sarika D/o Moti Lal (Lady Police Constable);
Vijay Kumari W/o Sanjay Kumar;
Vinay Kumar (minor) S/o Sanjay Kumar;
Neemu (minor) S/o Sanjay Kumar.
Shadi Lal (wireless operator);
Mrs Shadi Lal;
Vikas (minor) S/o Shadi Lal;
Akshay Kumar S/o Shadi Lal.
Badri Nath S/o Shambu Nath;
Ashaji W/o Badri Nath;
Vinod Kumar alias Papu, son-in-law of Badri Nath;
Jyoti, D/o Badri Nath;
Meenakshi, D/o Badri Nath;
Rakesh S/o Badri Nath
Kashi Nath S/o Shridhar Bhat;
Vinod Kumar S/o Kashi Nath
Sudarshan S/o Tarachand;
Dulari W/o Sudarshan Bhat,
Triloki Nath, B/o Sudarshan.
Issued by:
Social Activist !
Rajesh Kaul ‘Upmanyu’
National Secy- Panun Kashmir
Source: World Hindu News (WHN)