Napoleon, the Tamil film star who joined BJP in the presence of Amit Shah in Chennai last week runs a unique Hospital, the only one in the entire country; it is the Myopathy Institute of Muscular Dystrophy and Research Centre in village Veeravanallur, Tirunelveli District. Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases in which muscle fibres are unusually susceptible to damage and become weak. People who have muscular dystrophy may have trouble in breathing or swallowing. This Rehabilitation Centre treats patients in unique way of including novel treatments along with traditional method. The highlight is he is running it as a charity. The 53 inpatients now receiving care in this hospital include several from many states and abroad as well. (It may be noted that Napoleon, a DMK functionary, was a Minister in the UPA Government).
“Gharwapsi should be made eligible for Government privileges”: Tamil Author
Shri M Venkatesan, a young author of Chennai has come out with an apt argument; anyone who re-converts and embraces his/her original religion, namely Hinduism, does so in order to become a Hindu. He/she does not so much worry about to which caste he/she will be attached later. Therefore, Gharwapsi can be described as a means to eliminate caste. Shri Venkatesan goes further and demands Government privileges to persons who re-convert to Hinduism; he argues that inter-caste marriages are awarded Government privileges because they attempt to eliminate caste.
N comes before M in Jolarpettai
Meet Shri Nagarajan and his wife Smt Sujatha. The couples are performing a seva for the last 25 years. They run a mess just opposite to Jolarpet Railway junction in Tamilnadu. It caters to over 100 persons, mostly elderly destitutes. They are served a sumptuous meal from morning 8.00 to 11.00 free of cost. They manage the expenditure from out of their profit. Says Nagarajan, “We have decided to earn money for livelihood and do not live to earn money alone.”