Hindu Association hosts health fair

txnaThe Hindu Association of West Texas is attempting to help Odessa and Midland residents with their health needs by hosting its first health fair fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.

Medical costs are currently up in the air with the Affordable Care Act moving into place and Dr. Anand Cholia and members of the health community decided to host the fair focusing on those who cannot afford or do not have access to health care.

“We decided to put this fair together for the people of Odessa and Midland who cannot afford the cost of medical care or simply do not have access to it,” Cholia said. “We know there are a lot of people out there who need medical attention so we thought this would be a good opportunity to provide a small amount of help.”

While Cholia said the event is to help those struggling to find medical help, it is open to anyone in the community that may have concerns about health and has no basis on religious background or income level.

The fair will start off with patients entering the cafeteria entrance of the Hindu Association where they will fill out paper work and soon after have the opportunity to be screened by the doctors available where they will look for various things such as high blood pressure, with the goal of preventing further illness.

“Basically what we will do is look for the problems anyone may have before the problem occurs,” Cholia said. “We will be trying to look for illnesses in the early stages so we can get them the help they need and prevent further problems.”
Doctors have also teamed up with local laboratories in Odessa and Midland to help provide free blood screenings for those who attend the fair.

During the blood screening, doctors will take the sample and send it off to the laboratories for testing for diabetes, high cholesterol and anemia. Cholia is also hoping a thyroid examination will be included.
According to Cholia, the Hindu Association will pay for the screenings and results will be available within a few days after the health fair.

The fair will also include a series of lectures from the doctors who are present along with snacks to provide the fair goers with some knowledge on certain illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure among other illnesses. Cholia says it will be a valuable educational tool for those in attendance.

While Cholia is not certain how many people will attend the event, he said they will be prepared for 100-150 people and if more show up, the association will plan another health fair to meet the needs of the ones who didn’t have the opportunity to be seen.
For more information on the health fair call the Hindu Association of West Texas at 432-520-4298.

Source: Oaoa.com