Mumbai, February 6 (varta) – India’s phalanila responsible with pakace Creators Mohammed Ali Gina’s sublimation who feel (Ali J or desavirodhi first 6 February kalaghoda in meksamyulara department where the use of the Hindu vidhijna Council, Hindu awareness committee addicted to Hindu organizations of the joint virodhamule the end of the ex- was this. related news while Hindustan Times or English dainikane play of the organizers of the Committee Site threats to notifications khodasala news is given. (real as a traitor play performance should not, for Hindustan taimsasarakhya newspaper, what role played? own some do not want to and हिंदुत्ववाद्यांनी valid routes to protest After a false news that the popular daily desadrohica Yes! हिंदुत्ववाद्यांची who corrupt the image feel the need to boycott newspapers – Editor)
In fact, various Hindu organizations of workers in dispute and ethnic hatred spread jealous first experiment in Mumbai will be kalataca valid way been 2 days negation recorded and Hindu vidhijna Council’s initiative or play-organizer, as well as the Mumbai police ayuktalaya and consumers Police Station in the complaint applied. Hindustan Times newspaper or on the batamisandarbhata to take legal action manodaya Committee has expressed pravaktyanni. The news is also called, the architects of the desavirodhi play to display both play YouTube Site are. If so, you virodhatahi the Committee shall take necessary action, such information is given by the Committee.