Bhandarli (Dist. Thane) : Hindu young boys had put saffron flags near bus-stand on the occasion of Shiva-jayanti. Few days back, a fanatic named Sadru had threatened that he would break the saffron flag if it was not removed. (Over-pampering of fanatics by Congress rulers has made them insolent ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat ) Devout Hindus, however, did not pay heed to his threats and kept the flag hoisted.
Two days back, workers working in the premises of Sadru, threw away flag bending its rod and ran away. Enraged residents damaged vehicles protesting against such act of fanatics. Shri. Motiram Gondhali and Shri. Ashutosh Tiwari of Bajarang Dal lodged a complaint with police station against threats given by fanatics and insult of saffron flag; but instead of taking action against concerned fanatics, police took action against Hindus accusing them of provoking local residents to cause damage. Police took 5 Bajarang Dal’s activists into custody. (How can such police maintain law and order in State ? – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) On 30th March, the activists were released on bail.