Dimapur, September 16 (MExN): Hindu Seva Samiti, Dimapur while extending Vishwakarma Puja greetings has requested all concerned to maintain religious atmosphere in the puja pandals. A press release issued by Hindu Seva Samiti Secretary Alok Pareek informed that during Vedic period, all the engineers, artisans, scientist, architect, blacksmiths, and goldsmiths used to get-together to exchange their inventions, experiments and others findings on this day for the welfare of the society in particular and mankind in general. Therefore, as a mark of gratitude, this day is celebrated as Vishwakarma Puja.
The release has requested all to play only religious music and not to permit anyone to drink alcohol and dance in the pandals and try to close the pandals at 9:00 pm to avoid any untoward incident. Stating that Pujas and Idols are religious symbols, it also requested all to maintain strict discipline in the puja pandals and avoid drinking, dancing & shouting during Pujas.
Further, it directed all to immerse the idols only in Hindu immersion ghat and not to abandon the idols. Whoever finds abandoned idols has been requested to bring them along. The Ghat will remain open on September 18, 2013 from 08:00 am to 04:00 pm, so people have been asked to immerse the idols before 04:00 pm. The Samiti also stressed on making the Puja eco-friendly by avoiding use of plastic during Puja, and conserving power by avoiding misuse of electricity and loud speakers.
Meanwhile, the Hindu Seva Samiti appreciated the initiative of Dhansiri River Flood Control Board (DRFCB) and Nagaland Pollution Control Board for their efforts in fighting against pollution of Dhansiri River. In Vedas, the rivers were considered as lifeline of human beings, it stated. It further enlightened that Vedas says ‘Nadhi Devo Bhava’, meaning rivers are worshipped as God, and therefore, the Hindus worship the rivers as a gift of God. The Samiti expressed that the real worship of rivers is to keep the rivers clean and pollution free.
Hence, it requested all the idol-makers (Murtikar/Shilpikar) of Dimapur to consider the following points while making the idols/images: Avoid using chemical colours/chemicals and specially ban the use of Plaster of Paris while making the idols; Use only eco-friendly and water soluble substances or colours; Utilize the weightless technique, so it is easier to carry the idols; Request all your customers not to abandon the idols on the roadside after the Puja and request them to immerse the idols only at immersion ghat with due respect.
Source: Morung Express