More than 4000 attend ‘Dharmajagruti Sabha’
Karanja (Laad), Dist. Vashim – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held ‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (sabha)’ on 1st December, Sunday at 5.30 p.m. on the ground of Mulji Jethanagar Parishada’s Secondary School at Karanja (Laad). The main speaker was H.B.P. Jalakekar Maharaj. The ‘sabha’ was started with lighting of lamps by dignitaries; followed with recitation of ‘Veda-mantras’ by Shri. Sanjay Bansod Guruji and Shri. Satish Pathak Guruji. Shri. Amit Rajankar of HJS felicitated H.B.P. Jalakekar Maharaj by garlanding him and offering ‘sreephal’. Sou. Radha Phalake of Sanatan Sanstha felicitated Sanatan’s Pujya (Kum.) Swati Khadye. H.B.P. Vinayak Maharaj Gunjate from Pimpalgaon and Adinath Maharaj Patil from Jalgaon attended the ‘sabha’. They were felicitated on behalf of HJS.
Shri. Dheeraj Raut, Coordinator of HJS explained the purpose of holding such ‘sabha’ and various activities undertaken by HJS. Advocate Shri. Suresh Kulkarni of ‘Hindu Vidhidnya Parishada’ spoke about proposed ‘Communal and Targeted Violence Act, 2011’ exposing its anti-Hindu nature. Shri. Kiran Duse and Kum. Madhavi Chore compeered the program.