We are back…and we missed you!
The NEWSLETTER team is back with new energy! We will continue to bring you transformative insights & quotes along with latest news, celebrations & miracles collected and shared by the devotees of the Nithyananda Sangha worldwide.
Thank you all for your continued support!
“SHIVOHAM – INNER AWAKENING in Cambodia, Dec 2015”
More than 440 people attended the Explosive “Shivoham” Inner Awakening in Cambodia from Dec 10 – Dec 30 2014.
More than 440 people are now all around the world experiencing – “SHIVABODHA” the intoxication of being SHIVA – expressions of Mahadeva: SAT-CHIT-ANANDA. He is ‘Sat’ – Truth. He is ‘Chit’ – Conscious, alive. He is
‘Ananda’ – Bliss, bliss of constantly being himself; bliss of constantly being himself. We picked a small selection of photos for you from the 21 Day SHIVOHAM Inner Awakening in Cambodia, below.
If you missed SHIVOHAM, don’t worry…
“If you missed ‘Shivoham’ in Cambodia, don’t worry. Through this Upanishad Series I am bringing the Shivoham to your bedroom, I am bringing Shivoham to your halls, I am bringing Shivoham to your kitchens, I am bringing Shivoham to your home, I am bringing Shivoham to your heart. Nothing can be compared to Upanishads. You may think whenever I speak on any book, this is what exactly I repeat. But now the logic I am presenting, understand….” – Swamiji [His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 1st Jan 2015]
India: 7.00am IST / Los Angeles: 5.30pm PST / New York: 8.30pm EST / Singapore: 9.30am
“Anything can be missed for Upanishads, but DONT miss Upanishads for anything!!!” – Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 28th Jan 2015
Download the e-book on Upanishads [New Release]
Upanishads Revealed – The Source Book in the Living Advaita Series, Akashic Records by Paramahamsa Nithyananda – eBook released January 16, 2015 
Upanishads Revealed is a direct revelation of the source knowledge
and the eternal truth as it is, from the Cosmic Consciousness of the rare living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Upanishads are the original source of all religious, spiritual traditions, and of the human civilization and human consciousness; therefore, in them lie all the authentic, unopinionated answers and the power to living our highest human possibility–Living Advaita.
38th Avatar Day Celebrations…
The Grand Jayanthi celebrations for the 38th Avatar Day of His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was attended by thousands of devotees worldwide and many spiritual heads in Bidadi, India. In His Jayanthi Message to Humanity, Paramahamsa Nithyananda started expounding on the Upanishads and delivered the message of 2015 of Living Advaita and radiating Shivoham: “Decide to reform your cognition, thinking style based on the Advaita satya of Shivoham!
A unique and auspicious 3-day Ati Rudra Mahayaga – an ancient and powerful Vedic ceremony that sends huge ripples of positive energy into the world, raising the collective human consciousness and ushering in global peace was also part of the 38th Avatar Day celebrations. The unique Mahayaga included the establishing of 108 Rudra Homa kundas, honoring of 108 saints, 108 Mantapa Poojas and 14,641 Rudra Parayana (chanting of Sri Rudram) by over 300 Swamijis and priests.
19 Feb – 11 Mar 2015
Taste Enlightenment…
Awaken your Kundalini Shakti!
21 Day Inner Awakening Program [19Feb – 11Mar]
Your Inner Awakening. Transformation from the deepest layers!!!
February Inner Awakening includes 3 Days of SHIVOHAM!!!
Inner Awakening is ultimately your experience of your own transformation – your intimate contact with your own highest possibilities and the infinite dimensions of your true self! An Enlightened Master’s initiation is the fastest, easiest and safest way of awakening Kundalini.
Once awakened, Kundalini brings about extraordinary transformation in the body-mind system of the individual, including a huge surge in energy levels, the healing of chronic diseases and enhanced mental abilities.
1st Week – February
Swamiji will install Lord Venkateshwara in Bidadi Ashram!!
13,14,15 Feb 2015 [3 evenings…]
Life Bliss Program
A powerful meditation workshop conducted by Swamiji Himself that shows you how to finally get rid of karmic patterns holding us back.
Feb 13 -15 [Fri-Sun] |
5:30pm – 10:30pm |
Feb 13 – 15 [Fri – Sun]8:30pm – 1.30am
Feb 14 -16 [Sat -Mon]9:30am – 2:30pm
Feb 14 -16 [Sat -Mon]7:00am – 12:00noon |
17 Feb 2015 [IST]
Maha Shivaratri
Come join the Grand Celebrations of the Special Maha Shivaratri on 17th Feb 2015. All are welcome at all the worldwide centers, ashrams and temples. Live streaming of all night events, festivities, meditation, message from Swamiji will be relayed on both 2 way video conference and on 1 way nithyananda.tv. More details in next newsletter.
Last Year on 28th Feb 2014, during the Mahasatsang on the occasion Shivaratri Celebrations, itself, Swamiji blessed the worldwide sangha with SHIVOHAM!!
“Shivoham is a powerful fire. It may be very small, it may look very small, your incompletions may look huge. You will think, ‘aah, what are you talking? You don’t know about my incompletions. If you get into my inner-space and see, then you will understand.’ I don’t release any medicine unless I have done thorough Research and Development, understand. Your incompletions may look huge like tons and tons of cotton. The fire may look too small. Put it and then see. Then you will understand. Put this fire of Shivoham – ‘I am Shiva’. ” – Please Click here to read More …
Please click here to watch the video discourse of the same.
Ignite your Child’s True Potential under the Guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. For more details: please click here
Free Subscription to receive your Daily Clicks from Swamiji’s Teachings, specially delivered to your Inbox with a photo of Swamiji.
Bhagavad Gita Decoded book is a pure, absolute revelation of the happening of G?t? presented in its original spirit and body language. It is the re-speaking, the revival of the supreme secret of the G?t? from the consciousness of the rare living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who embodies the very science and experience of the G?t?.
To access this book immediately, please click here…
To download the Nithyananda Vedic Calendar with all the Panchangam details for each day of year 2015 along with the festivals and events,
“Yogis have for centuries lived without food, gaining health, longevity, energy, and higher consciousness. Now its your time to learn”
“Nirahara Samyama is blasting all the patterns you created related to food, going beyond all the patterns you created related to food. It is not even going beyond food…” – Paramahamsa Nithyananda. For more details, please click here
Conducted by Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust
All participants are responsible for their own health and well being. All participants should consult their doctor if they have or think they have any medical conditions that might be affected by practice of this yogic cleanse. At any time during this yogiccleanse process, any participant who experiences any negative side effects should discontinue the process immediately. For more information : contact en.sharing@nithyananda.org
Free subscription to all the discourse satsangs on Youtube.com/lifeblissfoundation
Life Bliss Foundation, Inc. provides “Nithyananda Newsletter” at no charge as a forum for sharing information and events that promote the Vedic teachings of Paramahamsa Nithyananada for spiritual enrichment and personal transformation. Life Bliss Foundation does not take responsibility for the accuracy of information provided nor the scheduling or outcome of any particular event described above. For details on any particular news or event, please click on the designated link or contact the designated contact provided.
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