The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) as part of its Golden Jubilee celebration will plant a Tusli sapling in every Hindu home across the country, said a top functionary of the Hindu right-wing organisation.
As part of the year-long celebration, the VHP would also be holding Hindu ‘Sammelans’ across the country, said VHP’s international general secretary Champat Rai in Ayodhya on Wednesday.
“So to celebrate the occasion, we would be launching a massive plantation drive under which we would be planting… Tulsi sapling in each Hindu home besides holding all-women seminars across the country,” he said.
As part of the outfit’s 50 years of existence, the VHP along with its militant youth wing—the Bajrang Dal—will organise blood donation camps across Uttar Pradesh on November 2 in memory of the kar sevaks—Hindu volunteers— killed in police firing at Ayodhya in 1990.
“The plan is to hold blood donation camps at one lakh places across the country. In UP, such camps would be organised in each district,” said VHP’s Ayodhya-based spokesman Sharad Sharma.
“On the day, Hindu blood was spilled.”
“By donating blood on the day for a noble cause, the Bajrang Dal cadre which has been holding events on the day every year since the firing on kar sevaks on October 30 and November 2 would be reminding the Samajwadi Party government of its devilish deed,” he said.