World Hindu News Media Boosted Participation at World Hindu Congress 2014

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NEW DELHI, INDIA (22 NOV 2014): Many delegates at World Hindu Congress 2014 met and greeted World Hindu News representatives and updated them on the key role World Hindu News played in informing them about World Hindu Congress 2014. Mr.Krishna, a delegate from UK greeted and thanked World Hindu News newsletters which throughout the year carried World Hindu Congress advertisements for updating him on World Hindu Congress. Another delegate from African region registered after viewing World Hindu Congress 2014 program on WHN website. 

World Hindu News – a US based Hindu online newspaper company with affiliates in India has been advertising and circulating World Hindu Congress information, media press releases and  other communications on a priority and prompt basis to it’s worldwide subscribers in it’s news coverage and newsletters alongside presence on website under platinum category. World Hindu News is proud to serve Hindu community news and media requirements and is glad that it helped boosting participation of World Wide Hindu delegates for World Hindu Congress. With 20K subscribers in US and more than 70 K worldwide inc. 10K in European region, World Hindu News is leading Hindu agency with every increasing world wide scope. World Hindu News attribute this success in serving Hindu news requirement to it’s subscribers and supporters. 

In late 2013 and early 2014, World Hindu News gave prioritized web advertisement, media support  to Global Indians for Bharat Vikas (GIBV) – A US based organizational instrumental in mobilizing international support to Hon. Indian PM Narendra Modi 2014 National election campaign which resulted in participation and registrations from far flung geographical areas like Africa, South East Asia and Eastern Europe. World Hindu News released newsletters loaded with news from a Hindu perspective generated from Hon. Indian PM Narendra Modi media outlets to it’s international subscribers which included articles, blogs, events (Chai Pe Charcha), conferences, seminars and other news from many other Hindu organizations in USA, Europe and India aimed in bringing  Hon. Indian PM Narendra Modi victorious in 2014 Indian elections. The editorial board of World Hindu News in late 2013 and early 2014 also approved Hon. Indian PM Narendra Modi relevant Hindu news on the basis of his positive agenda for Assam Hindu issues, Hindutva, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Hindu refugees, sacred river Ganges, Hindu human rights violations, terrorism, conversions  and conspiracies against Hindu saints and seers etc. 

World Hindu News CEO Mr. Rahul Chandra in Q&A session addressed 1600+ international delegates for 05 minutes on World Hindu News program and requested them to forward their news and other media releases to With over 03 million user web hits recorded in Sep, 2014 WHN IT systems, WHN web readership is increasing with an average proportion of 500K /Month worldwide. 

Around 1200 World Hindu News business cards were circulated during the conference. World Hindu News looks forward to serve news and media requirement of World Hindu Foundation, World Hindu Congress 2018 with much enhanced technology and scope. 

World Hindu News Communication Office