Human Rights day: Discrimination and persecution upon Minority Hindus in Bangladesh condemned in Dhaka, Bangaon and Kolkata.
Upananda Brahmachari | HE Media Bureau | New Delhi | 11 Dec 2013:: On the Human Rights Day on 10th December, various Rights Groups and Hindu organisations opposed the discrimination and persecution upon Minority Hindus and other religious minorities and conducted various programmes in Dhaka, Bangaon and Kolkata.
Demonstration and awareness programme in Dhaka

Hindu Samhati, a Hindu organisation working mainly in West Bengal, took out a big protest rally against Persecution of Hindus by Fundamentalist Muslims in Bangladesh. Bangaon is a sensitive border town on the India-Bangladesh border in N 24 Parganas District of WB.
Though police refused to give permission to Hindu Samhati’s rally, the protesters thronged in good number. Some criticized that the WB police and their direct controller Chief Minister, Mamtaz Banu Arjee, are supporters of Jamaat-e-Islami & BNP of Bangladesh and behaving like Islamist.
As a matter of fact, the Rally set to be nullified to avoid any displeasure the fundamentalist Muslims here in West Bengal. Hence, the ruling party, Trinamool Congress (TMC) put all hurdles to obtain the permission from police. Therefore, under a culpable instruction from the TMC leaders, Bangaon police refused to give the necessary permission to hold our rally.
However, Hindu Samhati activists were ready to face any consequences only to show solidarity with victimized minority brothers and sisters of Bangladesh.
The speakers highlighted the plight of minority Hindus living in Bangladesh and the Hindu refugees came in India under a bare religious atrocities and persecution. ”We will not turn a blind eye to the worsening plight of our Hindu Brothers and sisters of Banglades”, said Ajit Adhikari, the chief organiser of the rally
Rights Activist Animitra Chakraborty, Advocate Brojendra Nath Roy, Bikarna Naskar, Nisith Ghosh, Abhijit Mishra, Sushen Biswas and other key persons of the organisation attended the rally.
CAAMB put up a stall at Human Rights Fair at Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata
The Campaign Against Atrocities on Minorities in Bangladesh (CAAMB), a Kolkata based human rights organization that campaigns against human rights violations on minorities and liberal thinkers in Bangladesh put a small book stall in front of Acadeny of Fine Arts, Kolkata at Human Rights Fair, 2013.
The books mainly on Human Rights and the Works on the matter of Rights Violation of Minorities in Bangladesh were displayed in the stall for both sit-on-reading and sale. Some books from Bangladesh by eminent authors like Salam Azad, M A Khan, Humayun Azad, Shariar Kabir were the main attractions of the stall.
The books, written by Rabindranath Dutta (born in Bangladesh -settled in West Bengal) on Bangladesh Hindu Genocide and Plight of BD Hindus, were also sold in good numbers.
As before, CAAMB activists distributed leaflets highlighting the plight of Bangladeshi Hindu and other religious minorities with a request to the present Govt of BD to stop attack on them in various parts of Bangladesh by the fundamental Islamist belonging to some political parties.
In a discussion forum, Mohit Roy, Rabindranath Dutta and other dignitaries of CAAMB interacted with the interested people to do something for the cause of dying religious minorities in Bangladesh.