Staunch Hindu leader and Gorakshak (cow-protector) Raja Singh Thakur has won the elections as BJP candidate from Bhagyanagar’s Goshamahal Legislative Assembly constituency. He defeated M Mukesh Goud of Congress by around 47,000 votes. Today a rally has been organised May from Dhulpet to Goshamahal to celebrate his victory.
While speaking to a representative of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti on a telephone, Shri. Thakur said that, it was the victory to dharma and unrighteous ones have been destroyed. We are going to continue offering seva unto Dharma henceforth.
Shri. Raja Singh Thakur has attended First and Second All India Hindu Adhiveshan for establishment of Hindu Rashtra held at Goa in the year 2012 and 2013 respectively.