Kolhapur (Maharashtra) : Perverted practice of celebrating ‘Valentine’s Day’ should be stopped. Oppression of Hindus in BanglaDesh should be prevented and the Hindu refugees should be given shelter in India. Investigating squad should be sent to Bangla Desh comprising of judges for protection of human rights. The above demands were made during demonstrations staged by Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan on 4th February at 11.30 a.m. at Shivaji Chowk.
Participating dignitaries !
Shri. Dilip Bhivate, regional President of ‘Hindu Ekata Andolan’, Shri. Kishore Ghadge, BJP’s General Secretary, Shri. Satish Shinde, Secretary of Shiv Sena’s Industry Group, Shri. Mahesh Ursal, city-Chief of Bajarang Dal, its Dy. District-Chief, Shri. Sachin Mangure, Shiv Sena’s Karveer Taluka-Chief, Shri. Raju Yadav, Shri. Sudhakar Sutar, Patel, Madhukar Nazare, Dr. Mansingh Shinde, Shivanand Swami of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Sou. Madhuri Dhavan, Sou. Charusheela Haval of Sanatan Sanstha etc.
Feedbacks of devout Hindus
1. Shri. Mahesh Ursal – Many girls fall in the trap of lust under influence of ‘Valentine Day’ and get pregnant. We are not against love; but we oppose indecent things done on the occasion of Valentine Day.
2. Shri. Dilip Bhivate – Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh says that Muslims have first right to the wealth of this country which means in the name of secularism, we have forgotten that it is our country.
3. Sou. Madhuri Dhavan – Celebration of Valentine Day on the land of Shivaraya is a tragedy. Many conspiracies hatched through medium like Valentine Day, love jihad, conversion, abduction of Hindu girls to make them terrorists etc. should be crushed by Hindus with unity.
4. Dr. Mansingh Shinde – Western countries have stopped celebration of Valentine Day. Chhattisgad Government has banned Valentine Day and started celebrating ‘Matru – Pitru Pujan Day’. Similarly, Government should take steps to ban celebration of this Day which attacks our culture and protect Indian culture.
With the help of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s teachings, fanatic Muslims’ iron will be melted ! – Shri. Shivanand Swami
Shri. Shivanand Swami said about a news published in one Urdu newspaper against Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Sambhajinagar that ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj has taught Hindus how to melt iron, therefore, Hindus will continuously talk about Hindu Rashtra and ram into Muslims’ iron.’