Felicitation of devout Hindus on the second day of 4th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Adiveshan for making spiritual progress !
Secretary of Shastradharma Prachar Sabha Dr. Shivnarayan Sen from Bengal, devout Hindus from Andhra Pradesh Dr. Seetaramaiya and his wife Mrs. Swarnalata attained spititual level of 61% !
Ponda (Goa) – It is a resolve by saints that the Hindu Rashtra will be established with the help of Brahmateja nd Kshtratej. All the devout Hindus who assembled at the 4th Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Adiveshan had a spiritual experience about this when the devout Hindus who displayed ‘Brahmatej’ by spreading spirituality and ‘Kshtratej’ with their actions for protecting Dharma made spiritual progress ! H.H. Charudatta Pingale, the National guide for Hindu Jagruti Samiti explained ”the importance of spiritual practice for establishment of Hindu Rashtra” on the 2nd day of 4th Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Adhiveshan and also announced that 3 devout Hindus have progressed spiritually. This made all devout Hindus present there very blissful.

H.H. Charudatta Pingale declared that the secretary of Shastradharma Prachar Sabha Dr. Shivnarayan Sen (Aged 69 yrs) from Bengal who has been practising Achar Dharma diligently since childhood and doing spread of spirituality and Dr. K. V. Seetaramaiya (founder and chairman of Netaji Spurti Kendra, Aged 73 yrs) and his wife Mrs. V. Swarnalata (Aged 72 yrs) from Tamil Nadu who have been bravely doing the work of protecting Hindutva have attained 61% spiritual level. Mr. Sen and Dr. Seetaramaiya were felicitated for making spiritual progress by the prasar seeker of Sanatan organization Pujya Nanada Kumar Jadhav whereas Mrs. Swarnalata was felicitated by Sanatan organization’s Prasar seeker Pujya Ms. Anuradha Wadekar. They were presented with the picture of Shreekrushna.
Dr. Shivnarayan Sen does spread of spirituality amongst Hindus by telling them about spiritual science. Pujya Dr. Pingale mentioned at that time that the founder of Sanatan organization, Paratpar Guru, His Holiness Dr. Athavale has mentioned that ‘Dr. Sen is making rapid spiritual progress towards sainthood’.
My place is at the holy feet of Saints ! – Dr. Shivnarayan Sen
While expressing about his spiritual progress, Dr. Sen said, “actually due to my physical condition, doctors have asked me not to travel, however, I met His Holiness Dr. Athavale during last Adiveshan and at that time he had mentioned that now we will meet during next Adiveshan !” Thats why I came. If God has mentioned this then He only will take care of this body ! Now seeker Shri. Chetan Rajhans has asked to be present in the next Adhiveshan also. In reality my place is not on the dias (Vyaspeeth) but at the holy feet of Saints. Our sins get destroyed just by the glimpses of Saints. This is merely grace of God.
By following Achar Dharma deligently Dr. Sen’s mind has become pure ! – Shri. Nikhil Vij
Shri Nikhil Vij from Netaji Spurti Kendra mentioned about Dr. Sen that, “Dr. Sen deligently follows Achar Dharma. To protect self from making mistakes in Achar, Dr. Sen also carries food items with him during travelling. He always wears sattvik clothes.’His mind is just like his food’ – According to this proverb, Dr. Sen has deligently followed Achar Dharma and so his mind also has become pure. I get to learn a lot from him and get a lot of love from him.”
While singing hyms of Shree Ram, also keep example of Shree Ram who destroyed evil doers! – Dr. K. V. Seetaramaiya.
After his spiritual level was declared, Dr. Seetaramaiya said, “Hindu Dharma is in trouble and now the state is such that we don’t know if it will be in existence after 10 years. Now there is a need of brave soldiers who follow Dharma. I am myself a soldier and doing the work of accomplishing brave soldiers who follow Dharma. Now it is high time we waste any moment in assembling all brave soldiers folllowing Dharma. Dharma is the base of Universe and all mankind. Similarly Bharat is the land of Saints. Today’s selfish and secular politicians are not worthy of living on this land. In olden times there was a system where all the guidance was given by authority in Dharma and all the systems were set by people who represented Dharma. Dharma guides society. Now as we have left our Dharma we are surrounded by problems. We have forgotten the Divine bow of Ram and Sudarshan Chakra of Shreekrushna and thats the reason we are in trouble. We cannot establish Dharma again just with discussions. We must keep ideal of ShreeRam who detroyed evil doers along with singing hyms of ShreeRam.”
Ever ready to do seva for Dharma, Dr. Seetaramaiya ! – Shree Ramesh Nagella, Netaji Spurt Kendra
I got attracted to Dr. Seetaramaiya after reading his book ‘Gandhi – the murderer of India.’ In order to assemble and make brave soldiers following Dharma ready, he has left his own house in village and living in a rented property in Bhagyanagar.Once when he came to know that one temple near him was attacked by fanatics he sent SMS to Shree. Bhargav, a volunteer at 1 am. As a result he was arrested under the act of Cyber law and imprisoned for 1 day. The very next day, they were attacked by fanatics and one policeman died in it. After that one policeman from the group came forward and mentioned to Dr.Seetaramaiya that, ‘we gave trouble to a follower of Dharma like you and so we were attacked and one of our collegue lost his life.’ After that police asked for forgiveness from Dr. Seetaramaiya and set him free.
Mrs. Swarnalata’s words full of Kshtratej !
Today’s time is not for giving up our lives but to fight a war !- Mrs. Swarnalata
Devaki, mother of ShreeKrushna became very happy after ShreeKrushna slayed demons like Kans, Chanur etc.We also have to slay evil doers like Shreekrushna did. Today’s state of society is miserable. Now a days parents want their children to either become doctors, engineers etc but no body wants that their children should do something for Dharma. You all have come here for the sake of Dharma. I give my best wishes to all the brave fighters present here! Bharat is a country which has ocean on 3 sides and Himalayas on the northern side. However, evil doers are still entering our country crossing all these hurdles. We must slay them. Today’s politicians are busy in enjoying. It is our duty to bring about a change. It is necessary for us to do penance for it. If we require Divine energy then we must pray and worship Goddess Kalimata. Instead of lemons, Kalimata must have a garland of heads of evil doers. Today everybody is ready for giving up their lives but fight a war is the need of current times.